Stability UI is off

The stability bar is off for indication whether you have enough stability to attempt a quest echo.
Here is it showing it did reach enough but didnt hit the center of the diamond with a lock.

Here it is past the diamond with the lock but not unlocked quest.

Yeah, it’s inconsistent. In the first pic, the 650 stabiity is centred on the left edge of the diamond & in the second pic it’s to the right of the centre. It does need to be consistent & ideally based on the centre/peak of the diamond.

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While they are fixing that it would be cool if they could get the last quest echo stability sorted out at the same time. Since they nerfed the final boss quest to 1000 stability it shows that on screen, but deducts the old (e.g. 1300) value when you complete.
Not very important but if you are farming you’ll keep a bit more stability you have ‘earned’.

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That’s a bug & I don’t think it’s been posted as a bug yet.

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