"Spoilers new content" : Rare Siege Golem feels overtuned

Hello and thanks you for reading this post about the crazy huge Siege Golem :smiley:

First of all : their design is awesome ! I didn’t played the new chapter yet, but i met them in Arena and Monolith and they were really Daunting :slight_smile:

Now, the problem i have with them is : they feel way too powerful compared to the rest of the enemies.

I kill all bosses within 20-30 sec, but this dude can take sooooooooooo much damage ! The Marsh Beetle pre-nerf felt like a joke compared to it.
And it’s not his health the real problem. The real problem is it’s damage o_O

I’ve never seen that much damage from a “common” mob. Rime Giants avalanche, Death Screech from Chimera, even the shotgunning madness from Rare Gyffron seems negligible compared to the amount of damage this monster can deal.
And they can shoot their fire mortar-like Aoe out of screen O_o
I though you didn’t want players to get One Shot off screen ? ^^
Maybe you though that the orange indicator of his aoe was enough ? Problem is, for some build where there is a LOT of stuff happening on screen, this Aoe indicator is very difficult to spot.

I already got killed twice today because of them, and i have a very good fire res and defensive set up… Feels bad to have a rare monster which is so overtuned that he makes all the rest of the game feels bad, because when he appears, it’s either you flee or kite him (if you have a build that can kite of course…), or you die. Good luck fighting them in Arena with 2 other Unique Bosses and 1 another rare monster if you’re melee…


Yeah those guys are fun to deal with. One by itself is not to bad, but when there are multiple from different angles it gets really rough. I just try to keep them at the edge of the screen and hit them at range with multiple DoTs. I don’t want to get anywhere close where I could get stuck in an AoE or that flame thrower attack. I cringe when I see the AOE circle and they are not around. Then its a matter of where did that attack come from lol.

Y… Good advice, except that i mostly play melee build…
So unfortunately, i can’t hit them at range…

And a monster that can only be easily dealt with range feels like a poor design in my opinion…

I dislike Dots build.
Dots in this game, for enemies and players, are way too strong.

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Yeah I cant imagine trying to fight them with my melee characters lol. But so far every time I have died in a monolith since the update has been to one of these guys. My current streak is 25 runs without them lol.

I play Arena from time to time… And you can’t run away or avoid them if you’re melee… Feels soooo bad.

I won’t be playing Arena again until they’re nerfed

I am not a ranged build and I don’t think they are particularly over-tuned. They probably need a little adjusting, but I hope they leave them in the game mostly as they are now. They do still one shot me from time to time when I am not paying attention, or when they have savage modifiers in monolith. But again, if I choose to run a monolith with high risk modifiers, I should be ready to regret that decision if I see certain enemy types when I go in (faster cast rate with deadly leading to non stop enemies avalanche spamming comes to mind).

Thanks for the feedback!

Our balance team are laying siege to these guys, so keep an eye on the #patch-notes. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you’re not a ranged build, what build are you playing to say that they’re not overtuned ?
Avalanche enemies deals close to 100 damage on my character (which is nothing with all the leech and life gain on hit i have), meanwhile i get One Shot off screen by the golems. And i’m not even talking about their crazy Incinerate skill.

If you don’t think they’re overtuned, just compare them to any other enemy type and tell me if there is just one which is even close to them…
Spoiler : they’re none.
This is why i’m saying they’re overtuned : they outclass by far any other enemies type. That’s the literal definition of overtuned.

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Thanks you Sarno, you and your team are the best :smiley:
(Nice joke by the way :slight_smile: )

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These golems are AWESOME. One of the first enemies you need some tactics to defeat.
Another one great enemy is walking… flower? With a corpse inside, that blocks everything most of the time.
But I feel that golems little bit too powerful too. Maybe it could be turned into a boss…


Yes, as i said, they do look sweet and their mechanics are good, problem is the tuning, that’s all :slight_smile: Their stats for health and damage are just a bit too high ^^

I’m also side steping the cone of fire, but it doesn’t matter when there is 1 or 2 other Golem or Bosses, the fight become a nightmare. To be clear, i can facetank 1 Rare Siege Golem, the problem is that i can’t facetank a Siege Golem and the rest of the Arena ^^
They are not exactly a threat by themselves, but if you had other rare monsters or bosses on the equation (which happens a lot in Arena), you can’t win.
As a SSF character (so i have no perfect gear), as melee, Siege Golem are a nightmare to fight with other mobs in Arena.

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I agree. OMG I thought the Marsh Beetles were brutal. These things are murderous against non-ranged characters and minions.

Speaking of minions, i saw a summon weapon getting hit by Siege Golem Mortar attack (and minions got 50% less damage taken) for +1300 damage… xD

WOW! ONLY +1300 damage? <-- sarcasm. Yeah, when everything gets one shotted, it kinda takes the fun out of attacking them. Definitely need a few notches taken off the damage they do

edit: However, I will say, their tankiness does make for a fun battle

I think i understood why they deal so much damage : i think that almost all of their skills (except the mortar-like attack and their charge) deals Damage Over Time, so Glancing blow, block and Forge Guard passive mastery doesn’t work against them.
Hard to tell tho whith all the effects happening on screen ^^

Interesting observation. I’ve never paid much attention to that. On my necro, I’m usually running around like a chicken, trying to keep my minions up. Then I get one shotted because I zigged when I should’ve zagged lol

Immolations area of effect is just to big. Takes up 80% of the screen (maybe more. It’s very difficult for melee to get out of range before dying (especially if you are slowed)
All the other skills are easily avoided.

while leveling my paladin nothing else in the game takes me below 80% health, but Immolation has killed me both times long before I made it out of its AOE.
Even the final boss barely scratched me.


Siege golems are fine if the Flamethrower skill is telegraphed properly. At the moment the animation is fast, the skill’s travel speed is fast, the damage is high, and there is no ground indicator. It’s manageable if there is only one golem in Woodlands arena, but it’s extremely frustrating to see two golems in Heorot’s Arena. You can’t even manouver since all escape paths are blocked with a fast moving, wide AoE skill.

Immolation is an issue. People that don’t think so either play ranged so haven’t seen it, or they have a good movement skill to get out of range quickly. Even when I run immediately to get out of it, I have to mash my potion button over and over just to make it out. I have 60% protections and 100% glancing too.