Spin-To-Win Overhaul coming in Patch 0.8.3

It’s so beautiful (and not just seeing Kissing spilling some beans)!

Yeah, the forge weapons node looks the most interesting to me, currently there is no cap on the amount of forge weapons you can have, but with heavy investment into MANA, MANA regen, and attack speed, you can have roughly 50 out at once on the battlefield with forge strike, which is fine. This makes it easier to summon minions, and kite while you have low MANA, or just need to keep moving for a while to avoid manually targeting risky mobs, you can now auto summon while moving instead, or combine it with forge strike, should be lots of fun.

@Deimos169 Yup! All of my ideas are good!

@QuietForMe it looks like maybe not, since the chance to echo is based on your chance to echo (Void Knight exclusive) while the Forged Weapons are based on your Forge Strike (Forge Guard exclusive), so the only way you’d be able to have both is to go Void Knight and get the basic Forged Weapons.

He said Manifest weapon which is different from forge weapons.

I assumed that was a typo since Manifest Weapon sucks. Cant remember whether an echo will proc a Manifest Weapon but I’d assume so since they proc everything else.

It’s not an understatement that I am just as excited as you guys for these changes. :slight_smile:


Current me if I’m wrong from void knight, but don’t echoes have a cooldown? Considering that point, how well will warpath be able to scale simple echoes?

Nope. They have a 1s delay, not a cooldown.

Squeeeee! Forged Weapons Squeeeee! echoing spin Squeeeee!

With these changes I hope that means idols will get another design pass at some point. Warpath could use some love in that department. And Shield Throw… And Hammer Throw… And something for Multistrike… Just you know, tossing that out there.

You assume wrong I’m a minion guy I will echo manifest weapon! if they allow it. i will bring glory as long as there is not a cap XD

Some good ideas in there, some nice mana channel changes. Sounds pretty good & fun!

But Manifest Weapons aren’t minions, they’re the proc from the idol of the skill that was removed ages ago (the crappy overhead slash that’s kinda difficult to see during combat). Forged Weapons are the minions you get with Forge Strike. So I was right (as usual).

they may not be tagged minions but they play like wraiths which are minions. the definition of minion gameplay is using a separate entity from the physical player that act on their own and do damage. which they very much do. so they are unofficially minions even if they don’t have the tag. so your only technically right!

That could mean any proc then. A minion is rather a physical entity that moves around and attacks on its own. Manifest weapon is just a procced overhead slash ability.

It looks like my first 0.8.3 build will be a Spin2Win build.

well played!

I’m curious how the “if you have travelled at least 2 metres recently”- mechanics will work ecxactly. Does it have to be a straight line? Do several short instances of warpath, strung togehter, count?
Definitely seems to make movement speed more important (more speed = more procs).

That’s the best kind of right…

Also, minion stats are all over the proccing skill (Forge Strike Skill).

Manifest Weapon doesn’t behave like a minion, it’s a proc’d effect.

From the text I’d assume that any distance travelled of at least 2m would enable the “can echo” effect which is then disabled when it echoes. So yes, I’d assume that more movement speed (along with higher echo chance) would give you more echoes per second.