Spellblade pasives % VS add

Please advise. I don’t know how I can find out if a passive ability that adds +2 damage or % damage is better for me.
The problem is that when I put a point in the % passive ability, the damage of the skill goes up proportionally. However, if I add a point to a +2 damage passive ability, (Infused weapon) the damage to the skill doesn’t change.
Where can I see my base fixed dmg? Or when does it add up?
I don’t know whether to spend points in passive abilities adding +1, +2 dmg when I don’t see any stat increases…
For example, after adding a point to “Prismatic Blade”, it will raise the damage of the skill by 4% for dexterity. But +1 elemental dmg doesn’t show up anywhere…

add all flat Damages you have and look how much increase X more flat dmg offers to you. Then do the same for the % increase.

But where do I see flat dmg?
There is no problem with %, they are visible on the character page and even after adding a % passive point the damage of the skill goes up (Flame reave, Mana strike)
I don’t see anywhere that anything increases after adding passive flat dmg.

I simply count it :man_shrugging: . That’s no high QoL thing to do for sure but it’s easy to see so you can add it up fast.

I understand I can do the math that way. But I don’t understand why it doesn’t show up on the skill power. And if it even applies to him.
Flame reave damage is still the same even though I have 0 points in “Infused weapon”, even though I have 8 points in it (+16 elemental dmg)
If I swap a 40dmg weapon for a 50dmg weapon. Everything gets recalculated even with percentage multipliers, and the skill damage goes up. Nothing happens after adding a passive.

Tooltips and what is shown is sometimes a bit lackluster. Skill specific points aren’t shown on the charsheet. There could be a line in the tooltip what ammount of flat dmg is offered by a skill or passive tree for sure but that’s some kind of a niche problem.

Thank you very much for your reply.
Now I’ve come across a case that I found idol +3 melee cold dmg and again multiplicatively increased Flame reave damage.
So I guess the only thing that doesn’t translate into skill damage is just flat passive skills.
Now I think it’s a bug. Because in short the skill is not stronger after adding flat dmg from passives. Or actually it is stronger, but it doesn’t show by how much. Flat damage from sources other than passives works.

What skill do you use? If you use flamereave and have some base fire dmg and some % you should see a deifference ^^.

That’s what I’m trying to explain. I’m using a translator, I don’t speak English well, maybe it’s not translated clearly.

I use Flame reave, Mana Strike, Surge, Flame ward and Enchant weapon.
When I put on or take off an item with % or flat dmg (elemental, fire or lightning) melee skill damage increases or decreases depending on the values.
Likewise when I put points into passives with intelligence, dexterity or % dmg (elemental, fire or lightning) - melee skill damage increases. When I take points away the damage decreases.
!!! But adding points to the “Infused weapon” passive does not increase the damage of melee skills. And adding a point to the “Prismatic Blade” passive only raises melee skill damage by 4% per dexterity, but nothing more.

Infused weapon is conditional that’s why it isn’t shown you get X dmg to the according element if you use a skill with said elemnt. It’s not shown anywhere.

Same goes for Prismatic Blade it’s not shown but it increases the dmg.

If you are able to remove some poiunts from both skills you should see a difference in dmg.

I have the same problem : I spent an hour respecing by adding and removing nodes on infused weapon node, and in prismatic weapon node. I hit the dummies for a few minutes to have a general pool of damage, and to my opinion, the damage doesn’t seem to change. I play firebrand/flame reaver mostly, but the damage seems to stay the same. I mean, adding +16 fire damage to flame reave, considering it already deals 16 flat damage, should double the damage, or at least give something like a 50% increased damage, no ? Maybe my calculations are wrong, but it doesn’t seems to even add a 10% increase. Is the damage shown on the dummies wrong ?

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