Spellblade build with flame reave as main attack?

Been looking for something like that. Only found one online but the representation in the video happened in a unempowered mono arena which I’m sorry to say, didn’t convince me.

Is this even a thing? Flame reave as main attack instead of the usual on-cooldown mega nuke?

Someone just posted a Flame Reave 500 corruption build on youtube (saw via lastepochtools).

havent watched it myself so I have no idea if its worth anything by you might want to see:

this is also a great place to find ideas and see builds others have created:

There I was instantly intrested in the build and instantly turned of by Firebrand and the need to wear the unique ring.It makes me sad every time but that’s just a me problem ^^.

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Agreed, that was more a Firebrand build than a Flame Reave one. :frowning:

Yeah I always feel bad if I have to use 2 bad skills to make them as worthwhile as one good skill. Sadly Spellblade has little room of choice when it comes to skills.

I resurrect this thread, maybe somebody has some ideas or suggestions for it. Basic premise - flame reave spammer as main/only damage - remains. I like it this way.

My flame reave spammer exactly as he is now. Still work in progress (level 88) and still has room for improvement. It handles empowered monos, 100 corruption, but i very rarely go deeper into corruption on any build, so no idea how far it can go and i don’t expect it to go far anyway. Dies once in a while, i haven’t even got all empowered blessings on it yet.

teleport as traversal
flame reave as damage
mana strike as mana builder
focus because i was bored and can rebuild it or replace it
enchant weapon as passive buff, activated usually for bosses

Thoughts? Hints? Advices?

Fire Brand + Flame reave could pump out some huge dmg numbers in the past… something like 400k+ aoe crits… with enough attack speed, you hardly even notice the ramp-up required with brand.

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Thats what im gonna play on 1.0 and see what i can build with it on my own. Im enjoying it a lot as a starter class for myself. If i come up with something worth while ill let you know.