Spell Damage Calculation

Does anyone know how “spell damage” is calculated? Is it a % or a flat number? I see it written in two ways in game.

  1. spell damage +10% (obviously this is a % increase)
  2. spell damage +10 (is this flat, or just the % is missing??)
    For example, if I normally do 1,000 damage, does option 2 make it 1,010 (flat +10), or 1,100 (10% more)??

I haven’t been able to test this in game because I have more factors into my dps than just this one stat.

there is flat Damage +10 and there is increased damage +10%. The % is not missing.

As it says in the game guide (default ‘G’)

Total damage = [ (Base + all flats) * (1 + all increased summed) ] * (1 + more% #1) * (1 + more% #2) * …

Note that the “spell effectiveness” in tooltips multiplies with your flat, but those spells generally have a higher base damage as well. As a default, base = 20 * effectiveness.