Specific Affix Bugged From Loot Pool and or Filters

Strange Item Filter Bug

What went wrong?

Void resistance items bugged from loot visibility

Thought it was strange that I was getting no items so I created a loot filter to show anything with void res, still nothing then showed. Unfortunately I did not screen shot this next part because I thought it was a one off, but an item box (like where text generally is) showed up with no words, I highlighted it and it was void res. I told the filter to do Emph/Purple for these items. Kept on going from docks to right before temple and nothing had shown up, not even additional blank boxes that I was now privvy to.

Thought this was especially weird so at next way point I quit out of game and restarted. Tested with the blank item I found at docks, didn’t show up at all.

Figured my blank filter might be bugged so tried to turn filter off altogether. No luck couldn’t turn off the filter, I’d select “No Filter” and it would bug and just reopen the filter window to tell me to create a filter.
Switch around filters and I’d exit panel would tell me “could not be loaded”
Spammed “Toggle item visibility” hotkey, nothing.
Spammed “Toggle filter” and it would automatically toggle on/off filter I couldn’t just set it to “off”.
Eventually through some miracle or combination of option toggles it decided to reload. To reiterate though these initial symptoms persisted through restarts so I think there’s something that gets corrupted in character file?

This is a solo run if that makes any difference as to why I didn’t see this in non-solo.

Please let me know if anything other info would help.

I find it appalling that an early access title would ship with bugs, please no longer include bugs in updates.

Screen Shots

Not the most helpful as I didn’t know I’d be submitting a bug report until most of the substantative evidence was done and I didn’t want to leave area and lose my only source of v res


Player.log (3.2 MB)
Player-prev.log (234.1 KB)

Thanks for the report!
We’ve seen similar reports but have had difficulty tracking down a consistent reproduction. If this issue is still occuring even after a game restart for you, could you try verifying integrity of game files and see if the issue still occurs?
Right click Last Epoch in your Steam library → Properties → Local Files → Verify integrity of game files

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