Spear options?

I made a Valkyrie Falconeer thinking there would be at least one solid unique spear, but the game doesn’t have one spear that interacts with any Rogue skill at all?

Sierpin’s is the only wep that does anything for a bleed stacker (like the mastery passives suggest you should be)?

Spears could use another look in general. Outside of Judgment, lightning Javelin, and void Volcanic Orb, I don’t think there’s ever really a point in using them.

Rogues in particular are a lot better off using an axe and Nagasa Scimitar (or two of the swords, in a pinch) for bleed. That one Falconer node can’t make up for there being zero good bleed spears.

Sierpin’s with the Mutilate node in Puncture might be possible, though I suspect it’s probably not as good as just applying more stacks by dual wielding.

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