South African Server

Is there any update or feedback on South African server, I bought the game as I remember the devs said they will look into South African servers in the future.

Wondering if we will be able to play online on official launch or are we forced to play on 170ms for online.


Bump for SA servers!

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SA servers would be a godsend. Currently getting rubber banding during gameplay every so often.

Agreed, dropping the game until we get SA servers. The rubber banding just makes for a terrible experience, especially in a party. Great game, but with no local servers its just frustrating

PS - while there are only a couple of replies here, there is a SA player base that aren’t being represented by this thread

Agreed, please can we get SA servers… This game is being discussed up there with the other big ARPGs eg PoE & D4. And I know the team is much smaller but limited server locations would limit the reach of the game (as I need to put the game down any time I travel to SA for work).

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