Sound Delay

Just got done playing for about an hour. About 30 minutes into the game the sound suddenly got delayed by about 3 seconds. It was very telling on things like Echo completions, Summons key sounds, things like that. It would occur on screen and then about 3 seconds later the sound would occur.

No other problems.

Time stamp 3:50am EST. (insomnia, have pity. :P)

Player.log (297.8 KB)

Hey thereā€¦

Cannot see any really obvious debug messages that could pertain to soundā€¦ Theres one ([FMOD] Event not found: sfx_ui_monolithlaunch) in the first half of the log, but its only the one messageā€¦

Also a few ā€œAttempting to load a Monolith scene with no MonolithInformation! Scene: M_Restā€ again, no idea if this could be related - but I dont recall seeing it in a log beforeā€¦ and its not in my recent debug logsā€¦

What I do notice is that the game is taking longer to Unload unused Assets to reduce memory than my own logs show - even after much longer time playingā€¦ yours are almost 2seconds (with one 2.2 seconds) , mine are closer to 1s on average.

I am not a Unity developer so i dont know exactly what this may mean practically, but it does seem odd by comparison to me.

From what I remember, I doubt its your system causing lag but who knowsā€¦

Iā€™d run a game verification just as a precautionā€¦

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