Was wondering if anyone has gotten this build to work? I assume its not great since DoTs seem to be not great right now. I jumped on and tried it for a little bit and it did okay at Monolith level 55 (was a 55 character as well) stuff with zero investment.
From what I’ve seen the dot portion is just extra damage and straight crit focus works better.
I’m currently playing this but only made it to Act 8 so far. However, it’s the most fun I’ve had in this game so far. I’m using Death Seal with Devouring Release for extra damage and Infernal Shade/Bone Curse for extra resistance reduction and armor shred. It just melts through everything especially in Reaper Form and does surprisingly well in boss fights.
I was wondering, however, whether the damage added through nodes like Ravenous (+x spell necrotic hit damage) is converted to fire as well. The tooltip dps increases just slightly when I put points into it, so I feel like it’s not really working as I was hoping. I mainly focused on dot as well so far, since it synergizes with Infernal Shade, but as Kulras already mentioned, it might perform even better when focusing on the hit damage.
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