Soul gamblers fallacy doesnt work, falcon and ballistas get 0 crit from it

i dont do any damage myself, all minion, but even while standing at target dummy, or whenever, i gain 0 crit from it

Hi, welcome to the forums.

It never worked on minions. You need minion crit chance for that.
I think it worked on ballistas in 1.0, but that was a bug and was probably fixed.

It should still work with Ballista, if you have perfekt Aim 4/4.
But it is not working anymore, since 1.1 (noticed with my Falconer as well).
Might be a Bug, since the Crit Chance Bonus is no longer reflected in the tooltip DPS…

Patch Notes:
Gambler’s Fallacy and Soul Gambler’s Fallacy
Crit Chance bonus no longer applies to channeled skills and is no longer reflected in tooltip DPS, in order to prevent confusion.
Soul Gambler’s Fallacy now has an effective level for Legendary Potential of 30 (from 41)
Soul Gambler’s Fallacy now has flavor text

yes what darkobi said, its not only not reflected in tooltip dps, but not at all, it provides 0 crit chance to me, to ballistas with 4/4, to falcon with the crit conversion talent, the crit affixes do literally nothing

It should give you a crit every 4s. I’m using one (as a placeholder) in my build and it works as it should.

It’s possible that they “fixed” it and now ballistas only get the crit every 4s as well?

no it should give me 100% crit chance until i crit and then -50% crit chance, it has no effect on crit whatsoever, if you test it on a dummy youll see you are critting every 4 seconds or so because you have natural crit rate, this is not a test

Your Skills gain +100% Critical Strike Chance if you have not dealt a Critical Strike Recently. Excludes Channeled Skills.
Recently refers to the last 4 seconds

Not sure where you are get the Crit every 4s from.
Maybe you have actually do a non critical hit to activate the Bonus?

At least you can still reach 100% ballista Crit with the new Ring and Commander Death rattle.

Yes, but what you were getting in 1.0 was that ballistas had the 100% (which in this case means guaranteed crit) all the time, which was not the intention of the amulet’s design. So maybe they fixed it so that a ballista crit counts as a regular crit and resets it.

The amulet guarantees a crit every 4s at the cost of a lower crit chance. That’s the whole point of its design.

Because when you get the flat 100% crit from the amulet, your next hit crits, then for the next 4s you’ve crit recently so you don’t get the +100% flat crit.

so the way it works now is, you gain 0 crit, ever, afk, hitting, not hitting, doesnt matter, crit chance is never affected at any point while wearing the amulet, you can test it by equipping the amulet then hitting things, you will crit based on yrou crit chance but it isnt the first hit, it isnt every 4 seconds, it isnt effected you get 0% crit for 4 seconds, then 0% crit forever after that and before that, tested, verified, it does literally nothing

Do you have a Singularity, Wing Guards or one of the other uniques that disables crits? I assume not since you mention that you crit based on your crit chance (but the entire sentence is a bit difficult to parse, so…).

ya sorry im getting tilted, its a build enabling unique tbh, and now the only build i enjoy is dead, likely when they changed the code on it to not inflate tooltip dps they disabled the entire crit on it, it has no effect on crit, no other items, tried with varying amounts of crit

and in regards to “fixing the bug” losing 4 other skills, most stats in the game, being pigeonholed into only using ballistas and falcons for damage, and having the range capped is pretty balanced, making it require 4 points to transfer crit and then disabling the crit transfer on the only unique the build really gains from??? please stop with the clueless trolling the thread on a bug report, im reporting a bug, because its a bug, not discussing whether you think its unfair that rogues have a single build thats almost as good as other classes

Sorry to put it like this, but no, you’re not reporting a bug… You’re posting in the Rogue’s section, which is open for discussion…
Bug reports should go in the “Bug Report Section”, and require a lot more than a simple statement like “this is not working” to be of any use for devs to work on.
People here are trying to help you understand what could possibly be causing this, not trolling by any means, since there could be a multitude of things, including game code being bugged.

Try posting in the correct section and provide some more info, like print screens and stuff. That’s how you get your bug report to get any attention.


If soul gamblers fallacy is not working at all then its bugged

However i just did test the regular gamblers fallacy (same functionality) and i am afraid you are out of luck. Ballista takes your sheet critical strike and will not actually give you 100% crit rate anymore.

It will however reduce your crit rate by 50% if you manage to crit something personally right before summoning ballistas…

The change to gamblers fallacy is bad and should be reverted in my opinion its not like they made it less confusing! Now you don’t see the 100% crit yet you see the 50% reduction.

I’m not entirely sure, but didn’t they make this change because people were able to abuse it in a way the Falcon would have 100% crit all the time, making it super busted?

Never used this item outside of very early leveling alts, so I really don’t know.

But OP claiming this is a build enabler item makes me wonder if what they miss isn’t actually the ways of abusing it… the damn item can’t even have LP…

Yeah it’s not build enabling for ballista not even close. You get more value out of 2x phantom grip rings + peak of the mountain since you can then run around with death rattle amulet. This combo results in more dps

I am on mobile but someone quoted the patch notes and it mentioned that the change was made to avoid confusion.

oh true just spend half a bilion gold for 4 items to compare to a single farmable item with a 5% drop rate, true, what was i thinking

You don’t need those items to have LP at the start…