Soul Gambler - Buying while inventory full

At the Soul Gambler. Used Shift-Right click to buy an item that would not fit in inventory. Tried to buy a smaller item that would fit but I now couldn’t buy anything from the Soul Gambler. Shift-right click nor drag and drop.

Close vendor window, re-opened, no change. Couldn’t make a purchase. I sold almost everything in my inventory to the Soul Gambler, had plenty of room, but I still cold no longer buy an item.

Went to my stash chest, picked up an item ( to make sure everything wasn’t bugged) and then put the item back in my stash. Went back to the Soul Merchant, tried to buy something, appeared to let me purchase but instead of the item appearing in my inventory, ALL the things I sold to him reappeared in my inventory. They also still showed up in the buy back window. It let me resell everything again.

With an empty inventory once more, tried to buy from him but nothing worked. I changed zone, and I had the original purchase (that didn’t fit in my inventory) on my cursor. When I clicked, it dropped to the ground.

Unrelated, but you can’t submit an ingame bug report with a screenshot if you’re trying to show something in a window as hitting escape to get to the report button closes all windows.

EDIT: I just noticed, after zone out, every I sold to the Soul Gambler (twice) is now back in my inventory

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Same issue. Tried to buy from Soul Gambler while inventory was full and now he is bugged out and I can’t buy anything from him.

When I left the dungeon, the first item I bought was attached to my cursor.

Ditto… bought 'till full, started selling off, couldn’t buy more… on the bright side could have made infinite money (albeit slowly :slight_smile: by selling things off, resorting, have them reappear. Also could clone items by shuffling things back in forth to stash/vendor/etc… alas, no great items to clone right now!

Just had this happen as well. Inventory full, gambled and got a unique that never appeared, then couldn’t buy anything else even after clearing inventory space. Had the same bug as a poster above where I sorted my inventory after making space and a bunch of my already-sold items populated it. That actually fixed the problem; I sold the cloned items post-sorting and could again make purchases from the vendor. However, the unique gloves that started the whole thing were never found.