Sort out "Nearby Allies Take Much Less Damage" enemy modifier

This has probably been brought up before, but it is having a real effect on the enjoyment I am getting from playing this game.

Maybe make it so that when an enemy has this modifier, they cant be effected by the same mod from another enemy. Trying to kill two diamond matrons as a melee character when they are both giving eachother insane damage reduction and also applying it to the hoard of enemies around them forces me to teleport out or die trying.

Maybe even cause enemies with that mod to take increased damage, allowing you to kill them somewhat quicker.

Either way, it is not fun nor good game design when you are praying that you dont come across two tanky enemies with this modifier. There shouldnt be something unavoidable that stops you from playing/progressing when you are capable of clearing all of the content outside of it at the same corruption.

Sorry this is petty and a bit of a tangent rant but it is quite literally my only gripe at the moment while im playing, please fix this or do something about it as soon as possible.

Other than that, I love this game and do not wish to spread hate, just want to make the game even more enjoyable than it is! <3


This is already how it work for both the generic rare mod and the Diamond Matrons inherent aura.

I really enjoy Diamond Matrons as a mob type, because it truely changes how I play and approach a mob pack. (try to kite them away, wait for the laser from the matron and THEN jump in.

So I really donvt want to see any changes to them.


Yeah im totally down for having to think more strategically when dealing with them, I just find my issue is that most enemies move at the same speed, trying to drag away an enemy with the aura tends to just bring the rest of the enemies over in a big group.

Good to know thats how it works though, maybe its my damage and defense thats the issue rather than the enemies and the aura itself lol.