Soooooooo tired of monoliths

I don’t know but not 30sec dungeons.

Agreed, we need more to do in the endgame. And I think we need more dungeons since Bastion is useless with COF and Lightless is only good for chasing the Mountain set.

I agree that spice would be nice. Not extra in-game quests that distract from item farming, but something that is like Surprise! Extra loot / boss / 999% increased enemy spawn rate, portal to epic area / etc. Loot goblins, portals to rainbow land, Random Butcher, you have to admit you were excited when spice showed up in your every day, endless grind. I agree with the original poster 100%.

You always disagree when someone says Monoliths are dogwater :smiley: . The only good thing about monos is the way you can aquire gear because you can pick and choose what Monos you run to some extend.

Everything else about monos is just bad by design starting from corruption to running always the same maps and layouts and only having % increases on enmies. It’s boring and monotone. Even Rifts and Grifts in D3 are asmoother experince then running down monos.

The “Endgame” is simply bland and boring to me that’s why I couldn’t care less about LE then I do right now. I still hope the game will get better and some dynamic will be added to the systems in place (mono, aren, dungeons) instead of beeing the same boring mess that they are right now.


Agree, mono’s are just a poor mans Grift in their current state.

I’m someone who can get a ton of replay from this kind of content. ARPG endgame content needs to fulfill two mechanisms: a barometer of strength and a means to get upgrades.

However, gamers nowadays demand more from their content. Take away the test of strength and loot aspects, how does this content stand on its own in terms of fun and engagement? To be honest, it gets dull and repetitive super fast.

For example:

I fought the same boss 50x in my corruption climb and some of the other bosses once or twice max. The bosses are one of this game’s best features and this content fails to put their best foot forward. You don’t think this needs a change?


Is there a way to pex corruption everywhere at once?

That’s because they’re so bland, they removed anything that might be interesting in the name of “streamlining the experience”… I don’t understand who you can find monos bland and boring but think that rifts/grifts aren’t when they’re far less complex (which is saying something).

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and yet I do. I enjoyed D3’s Grifts and D3 in general. Why I left D3 is because sets are mandatory, and there is very little space for build creativity. It always felt like the devs were congratulating themselves on these neat builds they thought up. So much ego.

For reasons that I haven’t bothered to try to identify (because I’m not being paid to), I find mono’s unsatisfying, tedious or straight up annoying (spires and arena). I have no idea, and I don’t care enough to try to figure it out.

:slight_smile: but I still find these forum’s interesting.

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Because rifts and grifts were a fast smooth thing to do while monos are all over the place. Why is there still a monster kill bonus that never comes close to speedrun a mono? Why are there even monsters in monos under corruption xyz when they can’t even stop you in any regard zooming to the mono objective? Why do I need to run the same monolith xyt times to adjust the difficulty to non brain rot level? The list goes on and on.

In D3 I need to kill enemies in rifts to get the ressource to do grifts. In Grifts I kill enemies untill a boss spawns when I reach a point when it’s worth to look what dropped. It was simply streamlined in a good way vs what we have right now in LE. Monos in LE are in some kind of a messy state from my point of view. They aren’t complex enough to account to the time they consume and they aren’t streamlined enough to go faster through the net or farm corruption faster.

I think it’s a question of taste at the end of the day but then again I even get more fun out of PoE mapping while mapping isn’t that much fun for me to begin with. I still hope for positive changes that make monoliths more fun and a smoother experience.

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I really believe that timelines all sharing corruption would remedy this. I would enjoy monoliths more if I could farm other ones without needing to grind the corruption back up.

Corruption pushing is way to slow even with the catch up mechanic. I know Mike mentioned changes were coming in 1.1.

I don’t know about others, but I liked rifts and grifts better because there are occasional surprises. Goblins, weird monster combos, easter eggs, side quests etc…

Monoliths are just super bland by comparison.

In 20 years the end game of ARPGs haven’t innovated at all. It’s why they’re all 3 day every 3 month games.
It’s honestly pathetic.


Exactly… they are the bastard step-child of GR’s and POE mapping. Except, they come with the added enjoyment of not being interactive with their mods (ala, POE), and having an annoying “web” to navigate through (instead of picking the level you run).

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Exactly. Gamers’ standards evolved over those years.

I find it funny how we’re in here arguing which crappy endgame system is less crappy than all the other crappy endgame systems. Guys remembering Greater Rifts with some thick nostalgia goggles. Those weren’t super engaging either.

Simply providing an infinitely scaling loot treadmill isn’t enough to be called good Endgame content.

Personally, I wish there were more performance incentives in endgame. Speed runs, boss gauntlets, DPS checks where you have to keep up with being swarmed, etc… It is fun to be tested and feel rewarded for being strong.

Currently its just: Do a dozen maps, kill a boss you killed 50x already, repeat.


All of this said, it should be mentioned it is unfair to compare monoliths of a newly released game to the mapping systems of poe and diablo since those games have had tons of time to add on features.

Hopefully the devs are working on this and have some ideas on how to spice things up.

It’s not unfair.
If you created a new company to make video cards and they were all 10 years behind the competition, you’d get bad reviews and no one would buy your product.

Really? Should LE have been released with 8-bit graphics as well? You know, because we wouldn’t expect a brand new game to have caught up with the modern standards.


You and the other fella are comparing apples and oranges

Products like video cards, hard drives, televisions etc… are “one and done” you buy it, and baring some firmware or driver update, thats what you get.

Software on the other hand can be continuously improved on. For example if a new operating system hit the market, I wouldn’t expect it to be as full featured and robust as windows, a product with decades of development time.

At release, LE was a relatively bug free, fairly solid ARPG. Its just not going to be as full featured as other titles that have had a decade or so of time to develop.

No. the game is a bug ridden mess.

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