Somone tell me how exactly umbral blades poison work?

so im following this guide

i watched also his video he said you can spec in poison after campaign im level 40 at the moment my poison dot damage does barely anything its all about hit dmg from my umbral blades at the moment and i even got poison/over time damage gear on me maybe im doing something wrong? also umbral blades got physical tag does it increase damage of your poisons aswell if you use this skill for poison becuz the guide is using % increased physical damage

You can go for poison whenever you want, you don’t need to wait till after the campaign. Going daggers will give you lots more poison chance, especially if you pick up some points in the “poison chance per equipped dagger”. I once got through normal monos & Majasa with an average gear level of ~7 (excluding the weapons which I updated to the poison implicit daggers and poison chance/damage).

% physical damage won’t ever affect poison damage.

wait what the hell why does the guide said you need % phsysical dmg then…i literally used 3LP bleeding heart to get phsyical % dmg and it was the only 3LP i havbe ever droped in 250 hours even in that guide he have % physical damage aswell on his bleeding heart 3LP…also i barely do any dmg with poison thats why im asking if im doing somethign wrong i have picked % chance to poison nodes all can you please check that guide and chick his nodes for umbral blades and tell me if they look alright? or wrong…he got picked nodes to throw more blades and deal more phsyical damage but then also got picked node wich doesnt let you recall blades and i see some videos about umbral blades that their blades are spinning in one spot not throwing so his skilltree must be wrong??

the guide also use puncture and i asked the author of the build what for and he said its for extra bleed chance but he didnt say if i should keep max stacks from fury when using puncture or just 1 stack need keep up all the time or what i just dont get it…

Off topic a little, but you are describing why I always suggest to players not to follow build guides - especially not beginners.

Following guides or build plans means that its unlikely that you will learn the why of skill choices or even how interactions with passives/gear/skills change as you are levelling up. There is so much more that you would learn if you just went ahead discovering and trying things out.

For veterans wanting to try out something else, sure, build plans are ok, but I dont recommend it for anyone still trying to learn the game or even an experienced player learning a new class.


well i can learn if people expalin me even more about the build i wanna play

From Umbral Blades ’poison converting node’ says bleed chance from ALL sources is converted to poison chance. So i think from puncture you get bleed chance ”buff” for your character which will be then convert to poison chance for your umbral blades.

From the Bleeding Fury buff (for a max of 360% increased bleed chance which would get converted to poison chance), yes, but nothing else. Puncture can also be spec’ to apply the Efficacious Toxin debuff for 10% more damage taken.

That still doesn’t explain why the build goes with % phys damage, unless the author thinks damage conversion works like it does in PoE (it doesn’t).

That entirely depends on how much explanation the build author gives. Good guides explain all of that & teach the newer players. Bad guides are little more than a build planner link and some headline grabbing numbers to drive traffic to their youtube/twitch. You should try and conflate the two. Or assume that all guides are equal.

The more stacks the better since the bleed chance buff is per stack.

I don’t know, you gave a link to a build planner, not a guide.

Edit: I suspect that some of the affixes in the build guide are what the creator had to hand rather than the optimal affixes. The flat throwing damage ring prefix is for the -mana bit, not the flat damage. The point in Jagged Carving is to get to Twilight Assault/Duskhunter for more blades thrown, not for the flat damage per se (though that’s always good). The +Acid Flask prefix on the chest is probably as much for the throwing attack speed.

Personally this is what I’d tweak that build planner to.

  • Swap out 2 points in Acid Flask from Hydrochloric Acid (loosing 40% poison chance) & swap the +2 Acid Flask on the chest to a +50-60% bleed chance per equipped sword (for a net gain of ~80% poison chance),
  • add in a +2 Umbral Blades prefix on the relic & put the points in Dawnfall (higher Dusk Shroud chance) & Cut and Leave (higher bleed chance), or you could put the points in Subzero Infusion & Coldsnap Strike for a bit more defensiveness (adds a small freeze chance & some chill chance which is an awesome defensive layer)
  • Swap the belt to a Bronze belt (adds flat armour) & the prefix from fire damage to poison damage or potion find or extra potion slot & potion health
  • I’d also take 4 points out of Flash of Steel & put them into Flow & rhythm for more throwing attack speed, or you could put them into Critical Eye (1) & All In (3) for more crit multi which is converted to poison effectiveness by the gloves.

Sure. I am old school tho. I believe that learning is something that you get from doing something yourself. There is only so much that you can learn from a book or someone explaining something. I despise handholding beyond a point of helping a real beginner or someone who has really tried to do something themselves and needs help.

At the end of the day, imho, you need to do to learn. Pretty sure there are plenty of people who disagree and want the handholding/pre-prepared plate laid out for them, but thats not for me. Learning by doing is just how I have experienced learning anything in life successfully and its pretty much set in stone for me.

Which is fair enough, back in the Old World though, we have these things called “schools” and “books” (along with “fire” & “electricity”! Real power of the gods stuff!) which most people find very useful for a’learnin.

Schools and books only get you so far in the real world. Elbow grease, a willingness to discover and an inquiring mind get you much farther… :crazy_face:

damn thanks for the entire explanation really helpful gonna follow your tips then the only part i didnt quite get it what is a bronze belt? a unique or a base and it can roll a modifier wich applies fire dmg to poison? or convert to poison

Well I can certainly tell you what the powerhouse of the cell is, the name of the man what sailed the ocean blue in 1492, how to ask where the library is in French, and which one of the founding fathers purportedly chopped down a cherry tree.

I’m not sure that counts as learning though.

Well your learning is certainly not complete until you know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
Then you’ll be king.

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The lvl 44 belt base with 50-100 armour implicit & 4 potion slots. Though the plated belt has the same armour range & 3 potion slots.

The Vipertail unique would give you some more poison chance though if you wanted some more, but you shouldn’t need it since you’ll have anywhere up to 1k % chance to poison at end game. Thorn Slinger is also very good as it gives bleed chance & throwing attack speed. Or there’s Ward Trail that gives 5 potion slots & some flat dodge, movement speed & ward on dodge (which I count as additional health versus the next hit since you won’t have any ward retention so the ward won’t stay around long).

i see but yeah i am using thorn slinger just need get LP version but thanks for all the help i wanted ask one more thing the shift skill lets me throw acid flask does that acid flask i throw from using shift inherit all the nodes i have taken in the specialization tree on the acid flask? so i dont need to even manually cast acid flask at all? just keep it in specialization tree

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im starting to see why poison is broken i killed last boss of campaign in her second form in like 15 seconds and i got shit items

uh another thing is how im suppose to know when i get dmg increase? for example what if i had weapon with 100% poison dmg and 100% damage over time but another weapon with 100% dmg over time and 10% poison penetration how am suppose to know if its dmg upgrade or not

You do the maths yourself. That said, poison penetration is only a prefix on amulets & given poison has inherent resist shred, penetration as a stat is probably the least beneficial for a poison build.

As with any ailment build (except Doom), you’re looking for hits per second (throwing attack speed for Umbral Blades & the number of blades per throw, averaged over the 3 throws), % chance to poison (& bleed given you’re taking the bleed conversion node) & % increased modifiers (poison & DoT). Put them all in a big equation multiplying each block (hits/sec, % chance to apply & % modifiers) and whichever scenario comes out with the biggest number is the preferred one.