Some Warpath, Void Cleave and Abyssal Echo stuff that *needs* to change

  1. Using Apoclypse Whirl should also convert Warpath’s damage scaling to vitality. Please make it scale to vitality when using this node because right now it’s still scaling to strength.

  2. I know it’s mentioned in the base class passive of Void Knight that traversal skills specifically cannot be “echoed”. But please make an exception when using Gravity’s Edge node. I just think it looks so dumb to have your void cleave echo on the spot when you moved a distance when using this node.
    Edit: I haven’t tested this fully yet but I think echoed Void Cleave that has the Resonating Cleave node still consumes its mana cost. But it feels like this to me. I will have to do more tests later. But someone can confirm this?
    Edit 2: Yes, Echo’ed Void Cleave with Resonating Cleave consumes its mana cost. Please make it so that Echo’ed Void Cleave won’t trigger any “cast on use” nodes.

  3. Abyssal Dispersion shouldn’t be locked behind Time Compression node. I think it beats the purpose of wanting to have a lower mana cost for the skill when Time Compression node mandatory adds +15 flat mana cost to it. Having both nodes just reverts Abyssal Echoes to its original mana cost but with no cooldown which I think should be a separate node.

Bug Reports

This is not a bug. By design, spells don’t get automatic attribute conversion when they’re converted to Void. Only if the node/equip says so.
Smite, for instance, requires two separate passive nodes for this: one for converting to void, another one to make it scale off Vitality.

This is most likely a bug. I’ve seen it happen, you cleave, and the echoed cleave remains in place, but if Void Cleave is converted to a traversal skill, it shouldn’t echo at all in the first place. If they change this, they’ll either remove the echo possibility from it, or rework the skill entirely.

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I suggest to do the same with Warpath to be scaled off vitality. Maybe add it in the “Void Blades” passive node. Or add some flat void damage per vitality like what they did on Rive.

Yeah it really is kinda contradicting. If their reason is it can be echoed despite being a traversal skill using the conversion node but making it only echo on the spot, then it really should be reworked or add an exception to the skill itself. It really looks stupid and clunky to me having the echoed Void Cleave fall off behind. I think it would be much cooler to see it do the same instead.

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Yeah, that’s fair, assumed that that node converted it from Strength to Vitality. Smite only requires the Renouncement node to covert it to Vit scaling though it doesn’t make much sense to not also take the Temporal Corruption node as well since that would convert the tag to void which then gives you a single element to scale (void) rather than splitting it between void & fire or lightning.