[SOLVED] Can't reroll in telescopes, telescopes dead or so?

Edit: problem was solved by simply restarting, forum didn’t work yesterday so I couldn’t edit this.

So I’m now level 2 in CoF and I bought 2 nice lenses, but I can’t get any rewards.

Also nothing happens when I click “reroll” even though I have enough favor. Am I doing something wrong or are the telescopes dead?

I had a similar problem while using my old offline char, but restarting in true offline (I was in regular offline) seemed to fix it - the rewards in the telescope window appeared as normal after that.

It might just need any restart, I tried it in regular offline afterwards and it was still normal.

Same here, I restarted the game and now I get prophecies.

how did u manage to join them ?

In Chapter 9 of the campaign (or using the waypoint in the Divine Era if you’ve already completed it) head to Maj’Elka Upper District. There’ll be an exit to the NW marked Maj’Elka Upper District, once you go there Zerrick will tell you about the factions and direct you to them.