So..nobody scared of the trading faction system/ah?

Exlusive doesn’t automatically mean they’re competing, like I mentioned before. Hardcore/Softcore or SSF/non-SSF are exclusive and aren’t competing systems.

Also as I mentioned before, CoF is actually a better choice for all points of the game except for getting that perfect BiS gear. There, it’s very clearly inferior.

This isn’t a problem with CoF, but rather player expectations. Getting a perfect 4LP ultra rare unique isn’t something that is necessary for endgame, just for pushing that extra 1% out of your character. CoF gets you geared up with very good gear pretty fast. Players just expect that are entitled to having all slots with 4LP uniques when clearly you should only get them if you grind the game a lot, even in MG.

Just who do you think I am in that case?

It depends on how you look at it. From a certain point of view (totally not channelling Alec Guinness), they are. They’re “competing” in the same way that genes “compete”. More successful genes have more individuals who have those genes, the more successful of MG/CoF has more members (& likely more successful members).

How would you apply that to HC/SC? Gene competition would imply that the least successful “gene” gets dropped from the pool. So since way more players use SC, will we remove HC? Or will we remove CoF if it has less people?
What if more people play offline than online (or vice versa)? Will we remove the other one from the game?

Evolution doesn’t really apply in this case because it’s not a “survival of the fittest” scenario. If you wanted to apply this analogy to MG/CoF it would be more like comparing the genes of cats with the genes of potatoes, since MG/CoF are distinct systems for different playstyles with different “survival” goals.

Yeah, it’s a very limited metaphor. But personally I wouldn’t as HC/SC doesn’t offer any advantage over the other apart from one side’s mistaken belief that one side is easier/harder than the other.

I know, that’s where the metaphor runs out of usefulness.

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I’m going to start saying fresh things, don’t take it personally, I’m fresh. You should take this as a bunch of dudes sitting around drinking beer and giving each other shit.

These quotes are pure crap. You keep saying these things, and they keep not being true… at all. Both MG and CoF are about characters getting items. Boil them down to their most basic component and that is what they are. You can say a lot more after that, but at their most basic, they are both about getting items. Cats and potatoes aren’t even in the same kingdom (highest level).

Genetics as a metaphor for this topic continues the long and distinguished history of metaphors being used to scramble a conversation to incoherence. Like gun possession, I think folks should have to have license before they are allowed to use metaphors. And Llama needs to be given a warning for firing a loaded metaphor in a crowded conversation.


I always approach forum discussion like that. It’s actually hard for me to get offended by anything. I might feel there’s no point in replying to some stuff (or rude people), but comments don’t affect me. So no worries there. I’m having fun with this discussion.

I have 2 points about his:
1- Both MG and CoF are about getting items, but using different systems. Which is an important distinction. One gets items trading, one gets items from drops.
2- Both HC and SC are about playing the game. That doesn’t mean they’re equivalent.

You deserved an extra like for this comment, but I can only like once :rofl:

You are absolutely no fun at all.

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