So..nobody scared of the trading faction system/ah?

Firstly I like this two faction models. But referring to the AH, is nobody scared that it will be a mess like it was in d3 for example?
Like dupers, bots, exploits, 3rd party sellers and so on who will mess up economy within 3 weeks?

Is there any information how to avoid that?

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In any place trade involves, will always be bots, exploits and rmt.
But… at least , the faction system will minimize the bots coz it won’t be all available straight from the start. It will be a progression system which means in the beggining, it would be limited items someone could trade and need to complete certain quests to unlock extra slots and also the currency to buy items.
Also… SSF completely exterminate any bots and exploiters coz there is no trade at all there

You are asking without even reading all the info about it?

I mean I don’t say there will be none of the thigns you mentioned, but it will be damn hard to be profitable and lucrative for them, so it should be a manageable amount.

There are so many systems in place that work together to make it very hard t oexploit the system.

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Hope for the best, plan for the worst. I certainly hope EHG is prepared if there is a Diablo Duriel mats type situation.

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No, does not scare me at all. I already knows what I´m going for., and I´m going for the Stars and let them do the trading for me.

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On the AH? No, not particularly. If you read their description of how it’ll work (like all of it, don’t just reach the bit that mentions a bazaar & stop) you’ll understand why.

Plenty, in the initial announcement thread, there’s even a FAQ!

Looks like it, yes.

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Maybe I was misreading it or just did not understand all of it correctly. But in the end MG items are valued with gold and favour. I m aware that flipping is not possible and I m aware of it that favour needs some progression to get, but gold?
Thinking of 3rd party sellers where you pay 20 bugs to sell ingame person to person a trash item and you get 1 million gold for that trash item in reward, something like this. At least gold economy is then messed up, which means whole economy is messed up. Doesnt matter then if you still need a second value like favour in MG.

But yes, mab I did not understand how EHG is preventing such things, also could not find any FAQ or other information about it, that s why I am asking :smiley:

You can’t totally prevent bots/RMT. But the systems in place discourage it to some extent by not making it as profitable. In your case, yes, you could have a bot farm for gold and then buy a crap item for 1 million gold, but I expect those trades would be closely monitored and would lead to a ban. Which would mean that the botter would have to buy another copy of LE and start the whole leveling/farming process again.
So yes, I expect we’ll have some bots/RMTers, but not to the extent PoE/D2 does.


I think LE does all it can to prevent botting, but if there is a will there is a way. Having a box price, and meeting certain conditions in order to trade is the best I have seen. I personally think it will be a bit of a mess at launch and will go the ssf route until any issues are ironed out.

It should be noted that CoF doesn’t automatically mean SSF. You can be CoF and still play with other people, gift stuff to/from them, etc. You just can’t use trade.

The most important part of the system EHG implemented, to me, is the automatic buy. This will prevent most of the toxicity from PoE, like players sniping items and price fixing. And that, to me, is a godsend.


Yes, maybe i m just negative about this topic, knowing what happened with AH stuff in past games, and I really hope this wont be the case in LE. But I m with you, personally I ll also go ssf first and see how MG/AH is going to develop. For me just to insecure to go MG first if there are issues and then not to have this crazy ssf/cof bonuses

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Nah your worries are totally valid, most big games in the genre made a lot of wary of trade. I just think there is going to be an obvious giant influx of new players, and thats when the cracks will show.

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Personally, I’ll go MG. CoF has many bonuses for your pickups but it’s still RNG. You still might not get what you want. Whereas MG just needs enough people in it and you’re pretty much guaranteed to get what you want without having to grind for it, other than farming for gold/favour.


I have built this weird psychological block, to me trade feels like a cheat code despite the obvious fact that we need to grind or get lucky to even have the currency required for the item. I really wish I can enjoy trade, but I cant.

In Poe, I play trade, but I only allow myself to sell shit so I can trade my currency for the currencies I need aka fusings. It feels so bad in ssf to have 15 divines but no fusings to 6 link your weapon/chest.

It is all in the offical dev blog

Yeah, I understand that. PoE’s SSF sucks because you get the base drop rate of trade. I’m glad EHG came up with a system to help people that like SSF.
I hate PoE trade, though I’ve used it plenty, as it’s an important tool to get more power.

But I am excited about trade in LE because it really seems to be what I actually want from trade in an ARPG: a simple tool that can help me get gear, rather than an endgame mechanic like it is in PoE.


So I heard from a source that box price isn’t effective in deterring botters. Apparently, they either charge back or steal credit card info/actual existing game accounts to run their ops.

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What a weird life that would have to be. Lets commit federal crimes so we can bot in a video game!

If it were just box price, then yes. D2 has shown that. However, the big difference between LE and PoE, for example, is that in PoE a botter doesn’t even need to level up. They can immediately start playing the market. In LE, though, they would have to level up, farm monos to get enough gold/favor and only then would they be able to start profitting.
It won’t stop them, but it does make it less lucrative and less desirable than in other games.

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a little bit off topic: are there confirmed posts that only with full maxed Cof ranks, drop rates of “all stuff” will be same like in current state of the game without factions? Meaning that in MG they will be much lower than it is now?