So, how many concurrent players do you think the start of Cycle 1.1 will have?

Yup, the Nemesises (Nemesi?) are a step in the right direction but there’s an aweful lot more steps to go. But I do believe EHG will get there eventually, just like PoE did.

Absolutely, and from a purely numerical point of view I wouldn’t expect to see the biggest peak until the weekend. But as I have said before, I’m not expecting a higher peak than 1.0 for the next league or two (can’t remember if 1.2 or 1.3 is going to have the mono update).

At least the servers were decently stable.

PoE has had “teh gaem iz daed” posts every league for years. They don’t have much to do with reality either.

Nah, I reckon the weekend will be higher than the ~71k yesterday had, how much higher, I have no idea (& no experience in making those kind of estimates). But we shall see. :man_shrugging:

I’m not entirely sure about that, people generally have more time to play at the weekend so they’re more likely to be on for longer & the concurrent player numbers are higher.

It’s not like we have much historical data to go on (given the cluster fuck that was the initial launch).

Even before 1.0, actually.

Also, fun fact, CS2 also has a bunch of game is dead threads even though it’s clearly the most played game on steam with over 1.5 million daily players. It had them over the years and it had them even this year.

Also, fun fact, pretty much every single online game has them. Because people like to root for a game to fail, for some reason it makes them feel better.

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I have a theory regarding how the LE retention nu.bers will pan out. I think it will be lower than launch but have better long term retention. This is due to it being made for gamers by gamers, rather than being made for players :slight_smile:

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That stuff kills me about CS2. It’s a primary factor why I don’t read steam forums, they’re somehow worse than reddit already is. I do however, like charts and numbers, etc. It’s interesting to see when a game launches, becomes the flavor of the week, and pulls huge player numbers. You get to see all the other games dip in player base.

It’s not as if these games are discovering brand new gamers to play them. They’re generally all competing over the same pool of gamers’ time. At the end of the day, the top 10 will still be the top ten as they’ve been there for years. I may jump back into LE here once I beat the Elden Ring DLC. It has taken most of my time of late.

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Almost 56k players.
7.45 p.m. prime time in Europe.
Are they still sleeping or have they already gone to sleep again?
It’s hardly possible to write that nicely.
It’s a miserable start to the new season. But it’s no surprise that almost no new content is presented.

Yes, early prime time. It’s currently ticked up a bit & I’d imagine it’ll keep on going up as more people get home/finish dinner & log on for a bit then it’ll start dropping off towards the end of prime time. Unless the US starts logging on by then. :person_shrugging:

It’s also mid-week, more people will be on over the weekend, I would imagine. As I’ve said before. We don’t need to argue about it, we can just wait for the numbers to come in.

Depends what you consider new content. Personally I’m more interested in the mono rework (1.3?) & the new campaign chapter than pinnacle bosses, though I do like the Nemesises.

Hell, I’m in the UK & I’ve just got back from work & it’s 7:49. Dinner’s cooking & I’ll be logging on in a bit. maybe not everybody logs on at the same time at 7pm sharp. Apart from maybe the Germans.

It’s possible that I missed it, but the well-known and popular YouTubers and streamers haven’t brought much beyond 1.1 either.
Like I said, it’s possible I’m wrong since I don’t really follow any of them.
But since they usually pounce like flies on every freshly shit pile, I’m surprised that they hardly have any videos that get them clicks. and that’s all they care about.

These last 2 days were also the days of the semi-finals, so that probably counts for something as well.

Anyway, I don’t expect an increase in numbers until the weekend.

Neither do I, but if you check twitch, I recognise several of the bigger names from PoE, Ziz, Mathil, Empyrian, Wudijo, Pohx, Ghazzy to name but a few. Currently there are ~27k viewers which is ~50% of the people playing.

And as @DJSamhein said, there’s this trivial sporting thing currently on, no idea what the overlap between LE players & Football fans is. And it’s mid-week.

(Didn’t mean to reply to LLama with this post.)

70k is very disappointing but it is still a healthy number.

EHG definitely needs to get a handle on why so many haven’t returned. Here are some probable reasons:

  1. Zero hype/advertising for the 1.1 launch
  2. A sense of 1.1 being the massive nerf patch to bring the game in line with their vision.
  3. Some of the POE faithful tried it on launch and didn’t really like it enough to return
  4. Cycle being the same as Legacy leads to “what’s the rush?” You can play whenever you want. Especially considering there are zero cosmetic rewards for doing the season.
  5. The super casuals may be waiting for more chapters or even the full story to return.
  6. D4 has improved and satisfied those players enough to not need another ARPG

This is possibly the new normal and the D4 expansion plus POE2 on the horizon is an issue.


Considering that half the players in most games just play a few hours and don’t even finish, never to pick it up again, I’d say that would account for 130k players already. Probably more because the hype probably attracted many players that aren’t diablo-clone players.
And those EHG can’t do anything to retain because it’s just the nature of players these days.

As for the rest, I’d say we need to wait for the weekend numbers before we can evaluate them either way.

why is this suddenly a concern for players? people should only care about, do I like the game or dont, play it or dont, why these playerbase and twitch viewers are so important for regular people :rofl:


It matters because fans want their development team to stay and not be downsized.

The peak of 70.000 concurrent players is well within what was expected. Considering that we, just forum users, had predicted this outcome, it’s extremely likely that EHG had predicted it as well. It’s not really a disappointment or a “bad sign”.

But I think we won’t see a higher number of concurrent players during this cycle. Even if people have more time to play during the weekend, the “open the floodgates” effect of cycle start tends to draw more people (see Path of Exile as an example).

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That was your guess, but that doesn’t make it a good result. This is a GAAS and retention is important. 1.1 launching with less than 30% of the 1.0 concurrent numbers isn’t good.

And so they absolutely need to figure out why so many said no thanks to returning. As POE doesn’t have this issue.


How much do you think would be “good”?

PoE doesn’t have this issue because they didn’t have the hype LE had on launch. PoE had pretty low numbers for a few years. Yes, they were somewhat stable, but way below 70k.
Its only now that they’re established that they have both a high player count and retention, and that took years to achieve.

Not only that but in the 10 years since PoE launched, the tendency of players to play a game for a short time, often not even finishing it, only increased due to steam’s success and the ever increasing number of available games.

So I’m not at all surprised that most of the 250k players at launch didn’t return because that’s what half the playerbase does in any game these days.

EHG will have to put in the work, continuing to build their game up until player numbers are again that high. In short, they have to do what PoE did in their first few years.

Yeah most of the arpg streamer now are streaming LE, but most likely for most of them this will last around one/maximum two week or so, the time to play a good amount of time the game and try to beat the new boss, and mainly the time before the new hype focus of the streamers for the new Diablo’s class reveal the 18th and for the new league start of Poe the 26th, and then again almost no cover for LE by the streamer for months, unlike D4, and even Poe for some streamers, that are streamed consistently for more than a month with every new season.
In hindsight it would have been better to deliver this new cycle some weeks before, and this would have been better in general, not waiting 5 month from the release date.

And finally, comparing the Poe situation 10 years ago with LE now don’t make much sanse, the times are changed, now the competition is much higher, and the time of the people, as they patience, is limited, now it’s almost an hit or miss from the start for the future of a game, but let’s wait, maybe being from the start a small team, i don’t know how many employers they have, doesn’t require in general that the game must have a big success to keep is pace as planned.

I doubt 2 weeks. Just enought to make guides. I been playing void mage (void knight) and re-doing work j did in 300 hours is just not doing it for me. Moment legacy gets the content moving there where i can have fun.

The campaign is abysmal for the 10?th time. Monolith still a slog. If i could level exclusively via arena i would. Really nemesis is only new thing for me. Not found use for dodge yet, maybe i will build a hero around it exclusively with mods.

Otherwise, kind of similar to 1.0

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2 weeks seems right to me. There are a bunch of new uniques that can make new builds, like the FG shield. They’re bound to try most of those out before moving on to the next thing.

I’m sure the 5 months were because they needed the time to add everything to the game. It might not seem like it, but it was a fair amount of content to be implemented.