So how do i calculate damege of chtonic fissure

for example this skill got 2 nodes on the skilltree wich give dmg but i have no idea how much how can i know for example is 30% necro resistance give more dmg than 20 flat spell dmg same with critical multiplier

“necrodit damage per 1% added critical multiplier”
“dmg per 2% necrotic resistance”

how do i know if i get bigger dmg or not if i had to compare necrotic resistance 40% or 20 flat dmg

There is no easy answer to that, as that is dependent on all of your stuff: equipment, passives, idols, etc. How much flat spell damage you have from other sources, for example.

Probably not complete:
added spell damage from all sources * skill multiplier bonus for added damage * 100%+sum of all increases * multiplier 1 * multiplier 2 … multiplier n

Not sure how cast speed is important for cthonic fissure.

thats the issue i can tell wich mods give me more dmg based of tooltip dmg but necrotic resistance doesnt affect tooltip

Time to create yourself a spreadsheet, I guess.

Tooltips are unreliable, because of all the triggered conditions.
Torment is an ailment applied by hits from cthonic fissure, but your tooltip shows damage for the initial hit damage from cthonic fissure.

so even worse theres no way i can tell the difference if 40% necrotic resistance is better or 20 flat spell dmg this seems like total oversight from developers or is this intended so you cant know???

It’s not an oversight, not really.

Torment is an ailment that deals 120 base damage over 3 seconds. Ailments don’t benefit from flat or increased spell damage, but from damage over time. Since torment deals necrotic damage, is also scales with increased necrotic damage.

Torment can only have one stack.

The baseline would be:

40 dps * (100%+increased dot + increased necrotic damage)

Then you have to factor in other effects that give more/less damage over time, e.g. 40% necroic resistance would be 60% more damage with node maxes (40/2 * 3%).

Flat spell damage does nothing for this DoT.

** Actually, this DoT is a curse that works different than bleed or ignite. It adds flat spelldamage as dmg per second. I stand corrected.

what about necrotic flat then? but theres no way i can calculate this stuff

No, necrotic flat doesn’t work.

** edit: I was wrong. Flat spell damage works.

this is the guide im following

Okay, the goal for this build is clearly to stack as much necrotic resistance as possible to push torment’s damage as well as ward regeneration.

Since you only have 40% necrotic resistance for now, I would rather go for flat damage for now. I guess you are early in your levelling process.

yeah i am doing his leveling build for now im only level 48

If you test the damage of torment vs a dummy with a 60 flat damage wand, it increases the damage, it’s very noticeable ~50% more damage.

Then torment behaves differently from other DoT ailments, which might be possible.

According to tooltips Torment either scales with added damage at 200% effectiveness

or it scales with added damage at 600% effectiveness

And if it scales with this dude’s 60 flat damage wand, it apparently scales with your personal added damage, rather than these supposed Spirit minions, even though it says its applied by minions which seem to serve no other purpose than to apply torment.

incorrect. All sources of “increase” stack additively. Your formula but correct would be

40 * 100% + Increase DoT + Increase necrotic

This is literally everything that says “increase”. Passive that says “increase” stacks additively with gear that says “increase” and anything else that says “increase”.

Multiplicative stacking is done with “more” modifiers. Also penetration is a multiplicative multiplier since it can push mobs into negative resist.

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You’re correct, that mistake happened when I rewrote my explanation that had already multipliers included in one go.

Was something like:

Basedamage * 100% + sum of increased damage% * 100%+multiplier_1_% * 100%+multiplier_2_% … * multiplier_n_%

The 200% is per second (as the text says), the 600% is in total. 600 / 3 = 200.

They aren’t minions.

That’s because Torment has the Spell tag, so it inherits any flat damage from your gear/passives/etc.

You’ve forgotten the added damage effectiveness for any added damage.

why do you need to calculate anything? If you can kill the things, and they aren’t killing you then keep playing… You’re doin fine.