Slow/strange animations destroying objects and with massive chain aoe spells

When destroying many objects at once (tables, barrels, chairs and so on) the explosion of materials and their flight feels “slowed”, like “slow motion”, as if I have a fps drop but actually have no frame drop.

This happens also when there are many chains of aoe spell.

Sorry, I don’t know how to explain better than this.

As I said it’s no latency (I usually play with 52ms/55ms) and I don’t get any frame drops when it happens.

EDIT: This also happens sometimes with ragdolls of corpses falling off bridges.

All death animations (here, the “death” animation of objects) have fps drops from time to time, as far as I can remember this has always been a thing.
It is a thing, but it’s not a new one and may just be an engine limitation.

Ok but…I don’t have fps drops in that moment.
So its like you say, a kind of engine limitation.

Yeah, the game itself is smooth as butter, it’s just the death animations going at 10 fps or something.

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