Skills from gear, suggestion

I read a discussion where people was unhappy that when gear is removed, skill points are removed by accident. I also read the point of view of the developers, where they do not want to have such an easy and controlled way to redistribute skills in the game. To some extent, I was also surprised to see how my skills disappear randomly when removing equipment.

I propose to consider the option when, when removing equipment, the last selected skill point are not deleted, but become inactive, and when you receive the next skill point, they are activated again because have not been manually removed. This will not allow you to easily reallocate points and will not break some builds by randomly deleting skills.

Sorry for my English, I used translator to compile this text.

I’m not sure of all consequences, but at first glance that looks interesting.

How would you then deal with respeccing if there is such a ‘pre-allocated point’?

The simple solution would be to have your skills be normal, and have a button to assign an “extra” skill point instead of lumping it in with your skills then randomly unassigning one when you unequip the item for any reason, even if it’s just to forge more stuff on it.

I understand and appreciate the dev’s perspective, but I would like to see a change so that when you change out gear that has the same +1 skill that it doesn’t remove the point from your skill and make you have to reacllocate the same point exactly the way you had it.

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