tl;dr can we please get a fix for skills being placed in areas off the map and being wasted?
Totems and AoE skills (Entangling Roots for example) are constantly being cast on walls, or just flat out not being cast at all. I know it is still beta and things like this will be update, but can we get some insight into whether or not the AI in this game (skill placement, companion behavior etc) is all being looked at, or is it more of a case by case situation?
Thorn totems (5 pack) have a predetermined shape that they are placed in while casting. This is great, except when it is being cast near a wall, bridge, object, or edge of any kind. At that point I may only see 1 or 2 new totems being placed, yet I still incur the full mana cost of the skill. This is happening with entangling roots skill as well when using the multiple patches passive.