Skill Discussion #1: Fireball


Addition Suggestions

  • After Flame burst add a node to have flame burst do “MORE” damage like lava burst does on shield throw

  • Add a node that allow fireballs to explode on impact or where mouse pointer is

  • Add at least 1 more “MORE” damage node preferably on the left away from the single projectile

  • Add a full lightning conversion after the added lightning damage node

  • Have a node that allow Fireballs to spit make 2 new fireballs with refreshed range/duration. Each split reduces that chance to split again by half. 10% Max chance to split with first fireball

  • Add in more added damage preferably fire

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Give it an AoE on hit as baseline & make all the damage nodes affect Flame Burst, no new nodes needed.


The fireball can be charged up to 2/3/4/5 seconds, for each second charged in this way the caster loses 1% of their remaining life and the damage become 30 % more damage each 0,5 seconds charged.
You gain 10 % movespeed for each second charged for 4 seconds after shot.

  • SKILLPOINT after the above:
    The life lost in this way is transferred equally to all of your own Minions and divided among them (healing).

  • SKILLPOINT after the above:
    For each recent minion heal, the caster gains 5%/10%/15% increased mana reg for 4 seconds.

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Id like the minions nodes if mage ever got something like an elemental golem. right now i can only think of mirror images as minions. I like the core idea of a skill that charges up the the only other skill like that is Det Arrow.

I used Fireball once as a leveling skill, it was really good!
Later I switched to Elemental Nova, but Fireball did a great job.

was unnecessary

You dont like this:

I mean come oooonnn LLammmma. I bet if it was purple balls of fire youd be all about it.

I do like the idea of Charging up fireball just like you can do with Puncture on Rogue.
Im not sure the life consumed per second is needed, but i defintely thing getting more projectiles and more damage PER second charged and perhaps a nova release would be pretty epic.

Theres a few in the game that do it. A few of them are:

  • Rebuke
  • Smelters wrath
  • Puncture
  • Focus (kinda)

Fireball is really good during leveling. It has good base damage, but in endgame is falters a bit due to lack of increasing its damage and its lack of AoE. Easily comparable to Ice barrage.

Exactly. I leveled a Sorcerer with Fireball, then I switched to Elemental Nova and after the campaign, I replaced Fireball with Meteor.

Nah, I was jsut refering to

Just reminding about my old suggestion :slightly_smiling_face:. (Originally suggested for 100 level skills)

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