Skill conversions for mastery themes

Adding nodes in passive trees that convert skill element types

To make passives a little more spicy and more build defining in certain situations id like to see more nodes added that convert added damage to skills.

Mage class does this with volcanic orb/lightning blast
Void knight converts smite

These are very well themed but id like to see it expanded just a few examples:


  • node to convert all Swipe added damage to Lightning or Cold
  • node to convert all ice thorn added damage to Lightning


  • node to convert disintegrate into cold (it has fire and lightning right?)
  • node to convert Fireball into cold (Ice balls would allow synergy with more ice skill builds)


  • node to convert ALL added damage of Rive/Vengeance into Fire/Void


  • node to convert ALL added damage of cinder strike into all fire damage


  • node to convert ALL added damage of harvest to necrotic/physical

Converts that convert all damage added should stay relatively rare IMO.

Also Harvest already has a all added damage converted to necrotic damage in it’s skill tree.
I feel like skills being able to convert to the same element via different means (like passives, uniques or skill trees) should not be the standard.

All added damage converts also seem a bit to strong for a passive.
This should stay on skill trees and uniques.

I like this idea very much. Although i think this should rather be a unique.

But why, its then places a tremendous gap between skills that can convert all damage and those that cant. This is a big problem with the Marksman and why (damage wise) Detonating arrow is well beyond all the other skills.

I am Fine with it not just being as easy as a passive node on a tree, but making them only avaliable on NICHE uniques is also a problem.

This game thrives on the theme of classes being different elements and having build diversity.

Skills should all be allowed to diversify as well to go along with those themes.

For me, i dont like that Rive/Vengeance are the same for all 3 masteries, They should be fully converted to that type of mastery if the player wants.

Full void for void knight
Full Fire for paladin

It would thematically and the builds themselves diversify the difference between masteries and classes.

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Because there is a fine line between giving a class diversity with different conversions and homogenizing.

I would prefer skills being very different, even when balancing is more difficult.

Are you seeing something I dont see? In what way is allowing skills to have there base element converted making everything similar?

Right now skills are already to similar as there the same exact base type for all masteries. There are wayyy to many just plain Physical skills in the game. More conversions would actually create Less homogenizing than more of it.

Everyone plays fireball the exact same way right now, how does allowing it be converted to cold as well as just leaving it fire create homogenizing builds?

If you start giving out conversions to skills people will demand more and more and more and more skills.

It is good that not every skill has every conversion that fits a class.

I Agree that not ALL skills should have it, but definitely more than we have now, at least 1 for every mastery.

I honestly dont see a problem with this. If people are begging for more of what you’ve given them, they obviously love the product and your going the right directions :slight_smile:

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Some skill conversions make sense based on the character theme, like the Sentinel converting to fire or void, or Sorcerer converting to fire/cold/lightning.

I like that LE has alot of restrictions even within a class.

I personally simply don’t want every skill within a specific class/mastery to have every conversion that fits the class/mastery.

I can see some more skills added that only have one dmg type currently.

Like the Cold Fireball or maybe the Physical Harvest.

But not to many.

I’d also like to see some more conversions.

For example we have some stuff that converts damage into void for Sentinel. So you can use Sigils, Smite, Shield Throw,… converted into void. But what about making Devouring Orb a Fireball.

We have smite dealing Lightning damage. Would be cool to have some support by making Devine bolts Lightning bolts or chain Lightnings.

Conversion builds are some of the most interesting builds, imho. But some are just lacking because they only add some fluff instead of fully converting.

I like the Rogue approach converting a skills damage completely and also convert the corresponding ailments globally. That’s really fun.

Wanna see this for other classes, too.

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This helps classes have a strong identity, that’s important for such a game.

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I’ll assure you, I’ll always find something to make it thematically fit in a fantasy game. :wink:

I like the concept of conversions, but I think they should be specialization specific, which would also require an overhaul of which elements are tied to which specializations (at least in terms of Sentinel). Void Knight converting Smite to Void damage with its tier 1 talent makes perfect sense.

But, both Paladin and Forge Guard have fire-related talents. As part of this process I would like to see either the Paladin or the Forge Guard redefined so that each specialization has a direct tie to a type of damage the way Void Knight does to Void damage. Lightning and Cold are underutilized for Sentinels, despite Smite having a conversation tree for Lightning. Awhile back someone wanted a Cold Paladin, maybe this is that opportunity.

It would also help address the haphazardness of the Forge Guard tree that was addressed in an earlier post and create an “identity” the way a Void Knight has an identity – even if it’s less so because you’re dividing the tree between offense and defense in a greater degree than exists for Void Knight.

Same for me, apart from my “normal” job I’m a sci-fi and fantasy writer, I have no problem lorewise. :wink:
But I don’t feel all has to fit. Classes need to have strong identities and this goes through being different.

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