Skill calculator

With the way respeccing is, we could really use one of 2 features;

  1. Ability to plot points in skills and then have a seperate “confirm” button before we finalize,


  1. A skill calculator on the website or something for planning.
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The devs did mention a while ago that they might do a skill calculator type thing, but that was quite a long time ago. And I also know that @dammitt has been working on something similar to his Grim Dawn site for LE.

Yeah I found that one too. Just waiting for it to be done. With how punishing respeccing skills can be we need something to help plan and avoid mistakes.

Apparently Dammitt’s going to release it this month! :o


I personally think that #1 should be in there regardless of whether we get a skill calc or not. I’ve actually been think about speccing a point into to something and accidentally clicked it on more than one occasion (and I don’t believe for a minute this hasn’t happened to other people. :P) So I think a simple confirmation button would be a nice QoL feature. (NOTE: I’m fully aware it isn’t THAT hard to respec a point but…I still think it would be a nice feature.)

And #2. @dammitt is the schiznit. I’ve spent so many f#5king hours in Grim Tools it would probably add 50% to my playtime in that game. :smiley: Can’t wait to see the LE version.

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