Skeletons Mages: Can only Summon Cryomancers

Player.log (3,0 Mo)

Hello. Although I have both Skeletal mages nodes, which allow me to summon Cryomancers and Pyromancers, I now only summon Cryomancers. See the skills screenshot.

I have the same issue.

Same issue. Arbitrarily locks to only one mage type on screen transitions. Adding any point to the Skeletal Mage tree will band-aid it as will leaving game and reloading… until you change screen again and it can/will just reoccur. :confounded:

Been reported since March 2023 according to search.

+1 Please fix this issue annoying to have to keep relogging in.

Just adding to this, makes it nearly impossible to play any build with more than one type of skeleton mage

Same issue. Skeleton mage pyromancers only summons regular mages. Please fix and please acknowledge.

Same issue. UP UP UP!

I’ve run into the same issue with only summoning cryo after dying.

I am also having this bug where you can only summon one type of mage and it really is aggravating as it destroys my abomination build. Really crazy this has been reported on for a year and still isnt fixed for how bad of a bug it is.

I just got this bug too. Will try and log out and back in to see if it fixes.

ok, this does get fixed by logging out and back in again. Really just switching characters.