So if I convert damage output for example: lightning blast to cold damage, do I benefit from added cold damage? Or am I still stacking lightning and letting the conversion take care of that. TIA for any answers.
In the scenario that you describe, the skill will scale with increased cold damage.
Well, apparently things are a bit different.
Added damage (flat) is always beneficial. Increased damage may not be. In your example, the flat added cold will always make Lightning Blast do more damage, but if you convert LB to cold, +% increased lightning damage won’t do anything to the base skill (since it’s now cold) but would increase any flat added lightning damage you have added to Lightning Blast (such as an Idol of Impulse, a Voltaic Sceptre, a Tempest Maw, etc).
Thanks for the replies. So Idols of Electromancy no longer work? It feels like I’m getting a difference when these are equipped but could be my imagination. Should I be equipping idols that boost cold damage?.
Cryomancy should be better (unless you have a ****ton of lightning damage) assuming everything is working properly.
When you convert your damage type this is also shown on the skill tags when you point at the skill in your action bar. When you convert lightning to cold the lightning tag will be changed into cold. This way you always know what to skill for.
My skill bar stills says lightning damage and I am doing a ton of damage with idols of Electromancy. Only reason I converted is because of the stack overflow error crashing the game all too frequently for me.
Hmm… Do you have the cold tag in addition to the lightning tag? Maybe you have additional lightning damage nodes that are not affected by the damage type change of your base damage.
Except it doesn’t always work, and if it doesn’t that’s a bug…
Thanks again. Nope no cold tag. I am just going by the tool tip on the skill node. It simply says all lightning damage is converted to cold and all shock to chill. I have been stacking lightning and just letting the conversion happen. My char has gotten consistently stronger so something good is happening. The next time I fail in the monolith I will remove the idols and see what happens. That should make it pretty clear I think.
You can beat the training dummy and compare damage numbers with and without idols.
Yeah true thanks. I always forget about the dummy
OK for anyone interested: I switched idols and wand over to cold. I gained a lot of dps as a result.
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