Either the Faith node (if you take a hit of >25% of your hp, a Sigil is consumed healing you for 200 hp) has a hidden cooldown or Unwavering Faith’s (Faith heals for more & has a lower threshold) lower threshold isn’t working.
With 2 points in Unwavering Faith, you should require a single hit of only 15% to trigger Faith, which in my case would be ~100 hp lost in a single hit, but it doesn’t always seem to trigger. This could easily be due to the difficulty of knowing how much hp you’re loosing in hectic combat (& actually I’m getting hit by 2 things for less than the threshold), but it does feel a bit wonky. I was also doing a boss that was only hitting me with a Flame Reave attack & Faith was only triggering every other hit which makes me think it’s a cooldown that’s not disclosed in the node text.
Edit: I’m pretty sure the threshold reduction element of Unwavering Faith isn’t working, I saw a hit of 122 & no proc of Faith. That’s more than what the threshold should be (101) with 2 points in Unwavering Faith. And there’s probably a cooldown…
Edit#2: And an Osprix Lightmage took me down to 1/2 hp with it’s smite & no Faith proc (with no Faith procs prior to it to put it on cooldown either)…