Shared cooldowns w/Rogue skills

I don’t understand what’s happening here. L87 Rogue, dual-Jelkhor’s, fast but not much Health. I’ve been running into problems with my Shift not working, and until this evening I couldn’t figure out what was wrong - until I started checking my cooldowns after throwing a Decoy. 3 different times I got murdered after the Decoy cooldown became my Shift’s cooldown, making me a sitting duck in a pile of enemies. This was completely at random, the cooldowns did not sync every time.

Is this normal? In what little I’ve read, the shared cooldowns are supposed to be between like skills - 2 Movement/Traversals skills, for example.

Any chance your running through the shadows or dancing shadows nodes? Those make you have an action right after, which can make your timers not line up. Through the shadows specifically moves you back if a shadow is consumed, and decoy can create shadows.

This would explain you being moved back and getting hit. That or try to verify your files. There also a 1s? Timer between actions. So depending on what you did, you may have not done it in time.

As to the second part. Movement skills usually share a cooldown timer. The exception is lich, not sure of others. As lich can with a node use transplant and reaping, but second takes a large jncreased cooldown time

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I’ll keep an eye on this, thanks. I’m betting it’s the shadows, as they’re being created by Shadow Cascade, which is triggered at the end of Shift.

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That shouldn’t affect the cooldown on Shift though & Shift/Decoy definitely shouldn’t be sharing a cooldown.

I also thought there was a node in Shift that returned you to the starting position but can’t see it.

Through the shadows: bottom of the tree, 2nd from the right.
Though it doesn’t return you to the starting position, but to the shadow position. Which ends up being the same, but technically isn’t.