Shaman Identity

There were some changes to Shaman in 1.1, but I can’t help but feel that the class identity still hasn’t been found.

Two skills have fire conversions with no passives dealing with fire. The only common ground between many skill interactions is physical conversion (for an elemental warrior/mage, that’s sad…), Storm Bolts are the only other common factor and that leads you into a physical build (physical lightning bolts… Seriously?) because there’s no other common element between Gathering Storm, Tornado, and Maelstrom. But now the new Storm Totem interaction is out because it’s either cold or lightning (even if the bolts themselves match the Gathering Storm conversion)

So everything is dual element at worst, physical at best. The only other option is to play caster Avalanche which is really good now, even if I can’t make it follow me around on cast like I could (seriously, EHG seems to hate my preferred playstyle for Shaman…) and the new Tempest Strike continues to be worse than the original imo, you can’t remove swings and customizing it to fit your preference costs sooooo many points.

EHG need to sit down with Shaman and decide on how they want the three major identities to work: Totems, Melee, Caster. It’s just a mess at this point imo. Feel free to discuss if you think I’m wrong in my thoughts or add onto why you agree or what I missed. I’m typing this on my phone after just waking up so I’m sure I didn’t get everything or I’m missing something.

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There where no real changes made to the shaman in the 1.1 patch. Its the same thing just a little tweaked. There’s no point in playing it now if you did in 1.0 and found it boring.

I fully agree with you regarding the shaman have 0 focus in build synergy.

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I was really hoping some of those passive changes and Avalanche rework would help, but it actually made it worse. The Shaman I played in 0.9 is dead and gone and EHG seems focused to make Shaman a “caster only” class

I think you’re spot on here, have said the same myself many times. And honestly, I think the ‘totem mastery’, is actually pretty shit for having a build with just totems (which the other masteries do better).

But I haven’t been playing this cycle, so maybe there is something I don’t know about.

Absolutely, the only reason the Totem build picked Shaman was because Storm Totem is locked to Shaman. It was basically a Druid in all but name. Same as DA Marksman only picks Marksman for DA

Tbh if you have not tried totems since the shaman change, I would suggest giving them a try

The QoL is actually pretty nice. Attunement → Regen (x3 for totems) means your totems get a decent little bit of flat regen without you having to try. if you have 60 attunement, you get a free 60 flat regen for totems. Totems are resummoned a lot, so they dont need to have tons of regen, but that little bit goes a long way.

Totem duration is actually a godly stat. upheaval totems normally lasted 8, but had a cooldown of 3, and a max stack of 3. so it took 9 seconds to recover them all, but you only had all 3 for 8. Now you get them for 12, so you have ample time to recollect the charges for bosses. Upheaval totems just feel way better in general.

And everyone is sleeping on storm totem. Storm totem is going to get nerfed next cycle, it is insanely broken right now.

I feel like currently for me, they have actually solved the totem identity issue. Totems do feel good and cohesive now, As thorn totems work into storm totem now.

The only thing shaman lacks at this point that holds it back is a unique defense dealing with its attunement. you can get okay regen now on shaman, but you still lack DR/Armor/Health stacking and get clobbered pretty easily past 300c.

As for the caster/melee dilemma that seems to be core to shamans identity. Gathering storm is a melee skill that makes spell bolts. Tempest strike is a melee skill that makes spells. You can proc boulders on melee etc. You are supposed to weave the melee and caster together. As well as make use of generic damage types because shaman has lots of split damage. Is a good theme? eh to be determined honestly. But I think once shaman gets its final skill it will come alive.

So it’s good to hear that Totems are working better now, but to further explain my issue with the caster/melee identity.

Gathering Storm and Swipe are the only melee skills that can be used as a primary. You CAN use Tempest Strike but you either get 0 mana cost with 8 point investment, or +5 mana for swing that doesn’t proc a tempest. To get to the +5 mana you have to sacrifice either Storm Tempest OR Frigid Tempest (the two elements that actually synergize with 90% of your kit). You can proc Storm Tempest around your Storm Totems, but Storm Totem isn’t worth using without Gathering Storm from my understanding and speccing GS just for the handful of nodes that augment the Bolts themselves and not Storm Stacks is a wasted skill specialization. You can make it so chanelling Avalanche can proc Frigid Tempest, but then you need to make Tempest Strike a Totem or else you’re just wasting a skill specialization slot again. If you want to focus on proccing all the tempest (or at least two) you’re going to be mana starved or sacrificing one of the two good elements. If you want physical, You can make Wind Tempest proc tornadoes, but that’s only a 30% chance for 1/3 strikes where the other two are forced to be elements you’re not using.

If you want Tempest Strike to be a big hit to dump storm stacks from Gathering Storm, you have a bunch of wasted points that don’t do anything because you’re not using the skill that frequently and the damage is from Storm Stacks, not Tempest Strike which can be replaced with Earthquake in a Physical/Lightning build and do the same job arguably better.

Gathering Storm And Swipe are “fine” as a primary melee ability, I don’t really have complaints here other than the fact that Druid and Beastmaster use Swipe better and Gathering Storm is better as a spell than as a melee ability.

Edit: to go further, Maelstrom is a cold ability that can proc lightning (base) damage, the only way to change that is to change Gathering Storm, so there’s a decent Maelstrom/Gathering Storm synergy here but since you can’t convert Maelstrom to Lightning, you’re going a cold/Lightning hybrid, or just pure cold if you convert GS. Tornado can proc storm bolts as well, but it’s pure physical or convert to fire (for some unknown reason…) You can convert both Maelstrom and Gathering Storm (+storm Bolts) to Physical, but now Storm Totem which is pure Lightning (+Cold potentially) is left out. If you go Cold/Lightning Hybrid then Tornado is shafted with its random physical damage. You could theoretically do a Physical/Lightning hybrid with Earthquake to spend storm stacks, but that’s about it. The only pure storm bolt synergy is Lightning/Physical hybrid.

Edit 2: my suggestion would be to change the Fire conversions on Earthquake and Tornado and replace them with Cold. Fire makes no sense when none of the passives and no other skills have any fire damage. And revert Tempest Strike back to pre 1.0, make it scale with attack speed, make some of the nodes interact with Storm Bolts, and replace the “chance to summon Storm Totem” node with “Create a Tempest Totem” since we now have a unique that gives the ability to summon storm Totem on hit. The only issue with the old Tempest Strike was that it didn’t scale with attack speed. Almost forgot, also add a conversion to Lightning for Maelstrom and Tornado (or at least partial conversion.)

My last post was too long and I didn’t address this. I’m perfectly fine with a melee caster (I love the magic swordsman/Spellblade fantasy), i didn’t mean melee as “no spells” but “charging in wrapped in a cloak of storms” while for caster I mean “I’m going to stand here and conjure the wrath of nature to decimate my enemies!”

Honestly, Melee Shaman should feel like a Storm Herald Barbarian

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Storm Herald learn instead to transform their rage into a mantle of primal magic that swirls around them. When in a fury, a barbarian of this path taps into nature to create powerful, magical effects.

Been playing as a shaman and I feel that at their core as a Primalist, they are melees that specialize in using magic and totems to supplement their attacks. They should have the option to becoming a storm bringing bruiser, a totem master or a powerful caster.

Going with elements they need to give Shamans elemental bonuses instead and then have dedicated notes for for Storm (lightning + Cold) Physical or Fire. Going on Storm there has to be the means of having some kind of hybrid scaling where you can go with Storm or Physical with either Cold or Lightning. Fire should either replace physical or storm to

As for the playstyle, If Shamans want to go pure melee or caster without the hassle of totems they should have the means to remove totems and keep around 40% to 50% of the effects from both the totem and talent nodes granted. I know that totems are a part of their identity but at the same time it can be bothersome to constantly put one down just to get your resistances and other bonuses.

Shamans really do need the means to build they way they want within the parameters of their mastery.

This is really the core problem with Shaman. Their “identity” is “Totems” but Beastmaster AND Druid both use Totems better than Shaman does, and the best way to make use of Totems as a Shaman is to basically play as a pseudo-Druid where you’re in Spriggan Form the entire time. It doesn’t feel like a Shaman at that point.

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Just because I want to go above and beyond with explaining why Shaman’s class identity is “totems, but not really”, here are the perceived identities of the other masteries in the game based on the Mastery Skill and Passives: *Note: the identity of a class does not define the builds available to the class. This is just a generic overview of what a player who has not touched the class can expect the class to do based on the Mastery Skill and Passive Bonuses.

Sorcerer: A spell slinger who focuses on casting high mana cost spells to deal large amounts of damage.

  • Meteor
  • +50 Mana
  • Spells deal 1% more damage per 2 mana cost, up to 50% mana

Runemaster: A spell slinger who focuses on casting multi-element spells as fast as possible.

  • Runic Invocation
  • 30% increased Elemental Damage
  • 10% increased Cast Speed with Elemental Spells

Spellblade: A magic swordsman style class who focuses on being up in the enemy’s face as they shred them with melee ranged spells.

  • Shatter Strike
  • 12 Ward gained on melee use and hit at least one enemy
  • Mana spent on melee attacks is converted to ward.

Void Knight: A melee void specialist who focuses on creating echoes to repeat their attacks.

  • Erasing Strike
  • You gain 1% more melee void damage (multiplicative with other modifiers) per 3 Vitality.
  • Your melee attacks, throwing attacks, and void spells have a 10% chance to be repeated by an echo 0.5s later (excludes movement abilities and Anomaly).

Paladin: A defensive melee specialist who focuses on keeping up high health through self-healing to deal more damage to the enemy.

  • Holy Aura
  • You deal increased fire, lightning, and physical damage equal to your percent Health remaining.
  • 1% increased healing effectiveness per point of attunement.

Forge Guard: A defensive melee specialist who focuses on being in the thick of things. Can create minions with Forge Strike.

  • Forge Strike
  • +35% Physical and Fire Resistance
  • You gain a stack of Stalwart when hit. Stalwart grants 5% increased armor, lasts 10 seconds, and stacks up to 10 times.

Necromancer: A minion master who focuses on having large armies of undead to serve them.

  • Summon Wraith
  • +1 Max Skeleton
  • +1 Max Skeleton Mage
  • Your minions deal 50% increased damage.

Warlock: A master of curses who focuses on destroying enemies by stacking curses on them.

  • Chthonic Fissure
  • 4% more damage per curse on the target
  • +35% fire and necrotic Resistance

Lich: Opposite of a Paladin, Liches focus on staying as at low health as possible while wading through the hordes of enemies in melee range. Can transform into a Reaper for a second life bar.

  • Reaper Form
  • 1% of damage dealt is leeched as Health
  • Spells and Melee attacks deal increased damage equal to your missing health.

Bladedancer: An evasive melee specialist who focuses on creating shadows to decimate their foes.

  • Dancing Strikes
  • +1 Max Shadows
  • +15 melee physical damage
  • 15% more dodge rating (multiplicative with other modifiers)

Falconer: A… well… falconer, who has an invincible birdy pet who can attack your foes for you. *Doesn’t really have an identity aside from that as it can work in both ranged and melee, description mentions “traps” but only Explosive Trap and Net Trap are a thing and afaik Net Trap isn’t really worth using.

  • Falconry
  • +12 Dexterity
  • +1 Falcon Melee Damage per 4 Dexterity

Marksman: A master of the Bow, “Our arrows shall block out the sun!”

  • Detonating Arrow
  • Using a bow attack grants 5% increased attack speed. Can stack 5 times. All stacks fall off if you have not used a bow attack recently.
  • 50% increased damage while using a bow.

Beastmaster: A pet specialist who, unlike a Necromancer, fights alongside their sweet fur/scale/feather/chitin babies in melee range.

  • Summon Raptor
  • +1 Companion Summon Limit
  • You and your minions deal increased melee damage

Druid: One who communes with nature to become nature itself, can transform their human form to decimate their foes.

  • Werebear Form
  • When leaving a transformed state, you gain 70% damage reduction for 2 seconds (but we laughably stay Transformed as close to 100% of the time as possible, so unless this works in a Form-to-Form change, it’s not really useful).
  • 20% Increased Health and Mana

Shaman: A Totem-mancer who can summon totems to destroy their foes!

  • Summon Storm Totem
  • -5 Totem Mana Cost
  • +10 Attunement
  • +50% Elemental Resistance while you control a totem.

So, everything kind of has an identity, and Shaman should have an identity as a totem-mancer, but where classes that focus on a specific aspect like minions/pets, such as Beastmaster and Necromancer, none of the other Shaman Mastery skills relate to totems at all.

Beastmaster starts with Summon Raptor, then gets Summon Bear and Summon Scorpion, then there’s a random Totem (a very good totem, but random) and a Summon Sabertooth. The skills match the identity of the class.

Necromancer starts with Summon Wraith, and while one of the passives augments an Acolyte Base Skill (Summon Skeletons) Necromancer unlocks Summon Skeletal Mage, Sacrifice (to detonate minions), Dread Shade (to buff minions), and Assemble Abomination (to sacrifice minions into a stronger minion). These ALL work towards the class identity.

Shaman? Cool, you get “Summon Storm Totem”, that fits. Tornado… doesn’t have a totem, nor does it interact with Totems. Earthquake, doesn’t summon a totem but can create aftershocks AROUND totems, so that’s cool I guess? Avalanche? Doesn’t have a totem, but does more damage with totems and can deal some lightning damage if you have a storm totem, so again that’s at least SOME interaction (even if it is only 2 nodes and not the identity of the skill).

So, to recap: Beastmaster’s identity is to summon beasts and its skills reflect that without needing to specialize them. Necromancer’s identity is to manage their army of the undead and its skills reflect that without needing to specialize them. Shaman’s identity is to be a master of totems and none of the skills other than it’s Mastery Specific one, represent this in any way unless you specialize two of them and that’s only 3 nodes across the two skills.

So when I look at Shaman and see the skills available to it, I don’t see “wow, I can use cool totems!”, I see “wow, I can be a master of natural disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, and avalanches!” but then none of the Mastery Bonuses match this, and none of the passives synergize with this. It’s a mess.

Edit: since I mentioned “the description” for Falconer, I thought I should point out Shaman’s description is “Your strikes bear power, avalanches that shatter mountainsides, the lightning that cracks the sky open. You are the storm.” Which literally has nothing to do with totems, it’s hilarious.

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That was very long, but very well said, good job.

I would love it if they would make maelstrom the identity skill and go all in on making the shaman a melee/caster hybrid. Or make Tempest Strike, the identity skill (it’s very melee/caster hybrid). Either skill requires you to be in melee range to be effective. And yeah, storm totem could be in there somewhere, but move totem passives to the primalist tree, and have elemental and melee/caster passives in the shaman tree.

So, basically, any type of primalist has a connection to totems, but each of the masteries is about something else, possibly in addition to totems.

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Yeah, I wasn’t expecting it to be so long, but I guess the gist of it is “if you can look at the Mastery skill and mastery passive bonuses and see cohesive ‘identity’, and then the other skills unlocked in that Mastery fit that identity: the Mastery is cohesive.” but only Shaman fails that test. I think every Mastery passes the first check, where the skill and bonuses create an identity.

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Forge Guard’s passives are kinda a bit all over the place as well though.

That’s fair, but it seems to show an intent on being a “the more you hit me, the stronger I become!” concept. Forge Strike doesn’t exactly fit aside from being melee. It definitely needs an update.

I think they should make Smelter’s Wrath the mastery skill. Change it to a toggled aura. Give it nodes to work with minion or shields.

So basically it’s a channeled skill you don’t have to channel. Mana regen is active while toggled on, but mana cost ramps with time, but so do the defensive and offensive buffs it gives, and the fire aura damage it does. Getting hit should buff it’s effect.

Also, I think there should be some synergy/interaction between the ring of shields and shield throw (maybe you hold shield throw down to throw additional shields which are taken from the ring of shields)

Rather than changing the skill, I think having a node that changes it to toggle into an Aura (kind of like Aura of Decay works) would be awesome. It would also work for Avalanche’s “follow me” effect. Instead of it being “continues for a duration as long as you channeled” it turns into a toggle that does less damage but requires no channel time.

Edit: I do agree with it being the class skill though, the whole idea of chanelling (in melee) is “I’m going to get hit while I do this.” so you do your best to make sure your mitigation and regen/leech keep you topped off while doing it. So the Forge Guard Mastery bonuses kind of fit perfectly. Tons of built in physical resistance, and armor stacking as you get hit.