Shadow daggers nerf

Yeah… forgot to mention Arrowguard was also nerfed into the ground. The devs clearly hate marksman or want it to be the “hard mode” class.

Sorry but I’m one of your “math lovers” and Llama8 is completely correct if he says we can.

The reason behind it is simple and I will use your “X added damage as example”


Damage = 90 + X * 4,5 = 90 + 4,5X


Damage = (90 * 0,755) + X * (4,5 * 0,755) = 68 + 3,4X

If you want to add increased damage put everything in brackets and multiply it with Y% and if you want to add more damage do the same again with Z%.

Damage nerf is still always ≈ 24,5% regardless of anything else.

The next point is that there’s no need to remove SD and nerfing it’s damage and modifiers to bring it more in line with damage of other setups was the best possible solution in comparison to other options like increasing dagger count needed to proc etc.

It’s not wrong that the rogue class should get more alternatives compared to SD but with Falconer there seem to be far more options compared to before and I think a lot underrepresented skills will see overhauls over time.


It’s okay to have meta skills. SD is probably one small nerf away and other skills one buff away from shifting the meta. (people are starting SD because its simple and comes online easily for a league start)

As long as they avoid overnerfing (which they are trying very hard to do skill wise) , I dont see SD being an issue.

if you are doom saying and think it will eventually get so nerfed its unusable so might as well remove it, That’s an unhealthy mindset to have.

Voicing your concerns about that is fine, but acting like its a fact that will happen for sure is weird.

Flat crit at the end of the calculation is still very strong for skills that cant crit cap easily. So saying its bad is a little weird.

Don’t forget that less damage while moving was also nerfed.

These nerfs in rogue are all over the place compared to the other classes.

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I implied the base damage is also part of the added damage affected by the damage effectiveness. So is I assumed (90 + X) x 4.5 and not 90 + X x 4.5.

If I am in the wrong actually the math is pretty simple and is always 24.44% less damage.

If my assumption is correct, could vary from 42% less damage with just 5 added damage, to 32.3% less damage with 120 added damage. That’s why I said the damage may vary.

I will check this out later.

This would be a pretty strange way of implementing base damage because you could simply tune it up/down according to your goals.

The bold bit never happened. It’s not like peple said “hey devs, Shadow Daggers is too good, please nerf”…

Or multiple instances of Z as appropriate.

Commutation is awesome!

It’s not. Only added damage is affected by added damage effectiveness.

The same way players didn’t influence fractured crow sorcerer build being trashed, ok :saluting_face:

Please, it’s exactly because of this SD got nerfed.
A Vocal part of the community continuously saying it was broken.
And some of these players for convenience forget about more broken things the game have.

If there is one thing Devs have shown to struggle with each update are balancing class and skills power.
Some weird prioritization.
Some very OP mechanics/ skills are left untouched, while others are trashed.

I think they need to improve their CT “program”
And select better discord feedbacks.
It’s nice the constant feedback allowed and followed in this game, but it can be for the good and for the bad.

Noone really saw ward is disgustingly OP right now?
But wait, nerfing MM and Bladedancer defenses to adjust falconer defenses should be top priority…

With this kind of priority all over the place it can only be this, listening to the more vocal part that are kind selective when asking nerfs, or I will stick to old unfair statement “Devs don’t play their game”.