Set Pieces & Legendary Potential

Hi all!

I’ve been thinking about something that might make set items more interesting (or more like their set effects), and it might be interesting to be able to re-create those set effects on uniques. Let’s take one of my favorites - the Isadora set (quick fyi, it’s the 3 piece set that let’s you apply damned with necrotic spells and gives necro pen and mana efficiency with damned/necrotic spells).

I think it would be nice to use a set item to move it’s set bonus over to a unique with LP. Maybe have set to a specific cost like:
1st set bonus requires 2 LP to add
2nd set bonus requires 3 LP to add

This could also be done to the “pseudo” affixes of set items instead of moving set effect over, like the Vilatria’s Downfall staff turning Meteor into a Lightning skill would be a cool effect on a different Unique item as well.

It would require some off-set on the unique and not adding like a main-stat like e.g. crit chance or crit multi and forego it with adding a set bonus or other stat on a set item would be interesting to me.

Thanks for coming to my ted-talk!