Seraph Blade scales with fire damage?

This was my experience as well testing Righteous Fire/Rahyeh’s Strength. Both were increase my damage for HH procc’ing from cleric’s hammer.

I’ve seen someone focus on spell damage with Volcanus because flame shards scale with attunement. I think either way is fine and if you went the melee route then you could still benefit from the spell damage by procc’ing flame burst via holy aura.

Why you would pick flat melee fire damage and fire % increased damage to scale Healing Hands damage has a lot to do with how Adaptive damage works. You’ll notice on every weapon there is either “melee damage”, “spell damage” or both as part of their implicit stats. These generic damage types are known as adaptive damage.

Adaptive damage looks for the highest value of a flat damage type you have and then converts itself to that damage type. For example I have 10 flat fire damage, 5 flat physical damage, 2 cold flat damage, and 80 melee damage ( adaptive). Since fire is the highest flat value I would actually have 90 flat fire (10 original + 80 adaptive), 5 flat physical, and 2 flat cold damage.

My attack will still do fire, physical, and cold damage, but fire is clearly the best of the 3 damage types to scale in this example as 100% increase fire damage would add 90 more damage while 100% increased cold for example would only add 2 more damage.

What happens when 2 flat values equal each other I am not sure, but that may actually be impossible. All skills usually come with some minor flat damage bonus innately. For example the 0 mana cost Sentinel attacks all have 2 flat physical damage innately. I would imagine healing hands has some small flat fire as well to push it over making it innately fire damage.

Long story short just use anything that says fire, melee if your using the melee node, and spell if your using the spell nodes.

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I am forge guard actually. I’ve been doing 2h rive + forgestrike for scrap metal scaling. I got a Volcanus with 2 LP and am thinking of ways to utilize it. I am already enjoying seraph blade healing hands so that seemed like the most direct way to get some use out of fire spell damage. I will keep pondering. Maybe Smite could be useful, or other procs.

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This isnt quite right. Adaptive converts based on the tags of the skill. So lets say you had 10 adaptive damage, and a skill that has the tags “Void, Physical” like void cleave, it would do +5 void +5 physical.

So even if you had 100 flat cold from a weapon, the adaptive part would also go physical/void.

The game guide in game covers this under “base damage”

soo, this means adaptive dmg always gets converted based on skill tag.
in our HH example with seraph blade which is a FIRE tag

Weapon 1: 100 adaptive (implicit), +100 melee fire, + 100 melee cold

I would do 200 melee fire dmg and 100 melee cold dmg.
For example I get on rest of my gear/passives 500% increased fire dmg I do 1000 melee fire and 100 mele cold.

Weapon 2: 10 adaptive, +200 melee cold = 10 melee fire dmg and 200 melee cold dmg.
Rest of my gear/passives give me 1000% increased cold dmg I do 10 melee fire dmg and 1000 melee cold dmg?

What I mean is, if thats the case adaptive dmg is sometimes negligible?
I I get a weapon with 100 base dmg and +400 melee cold I would make more dmg if I push % cold dmg rather than fire dmg THOUGH it is a fire tag skill.

Is this correct?

Edit: If I skill into Bane of Evil which converts my healing effectiness into + (plain) MELEE DMG this added melee dmg will be FIRE since HH is a fire skill/tag?

does “% shred armor on fire damage” shred the armor when fire damage triggered by HH Seraph Blade?

You’d do 10 melee fire & 2,200 melee cold (200 * (1 + 1,000%)), but yes.

Yes, it depends how much adaptive damage you’re adding compared to how much non-adaptive damage you’re adding (the melee cold in your example). You could also just get as much % elemental or % melee since those modifiers would affect both melee fire & melee cold.

No, Bane of Evil gives HH flat spell damage based on healing effectiveness. Seraph Blade then converts all flat spell damage into flat melee damage. So if you have both nodes then yes, healing effectiveness would give HH flat melee damage.

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Thx for clearing out my stuff!

One last clearification to be 1000 % sure: Bane of Eceil + Seraph Blade converts into flat melee damage, yes. And this flat melee scales further with inc. fire since it is flat melee/adaptive and there fore refers to the skills tag which is fire.