Sentinel's BLADEMASTER passive is decreasing attack and cast speed by designated amount when I equip a sword

I leveled up my Sentinel enough to put 1 point into BLADEMASTER passive.
Upon checking my dps on Vengeance I noticed it has diminished.
Pressing C to open my character screen, I noted my melee attack speed is 24% and cast speed 0%, I removed that point from BLADEMASTER and noticed an increase in the two stats, melee attack speed is now 31% and casting speed is 6%.
This was when I had a one-handed sword equipped.

With two-handed sword and two-handed axe equipped I noticed the same thing occurring. Changing a weapon to mace and scepter didn’t produce any results since the passive is supposed to work with swords and axes.

With one-handed axes I noticed an odd behaviour. I had set of values for melee attack speed and cast speed. When I put 1 point into BLADEMASTER passive, the values didn’t change. However, when I removed points from BLADEMASTER, there was an increase in the cast and melee attack speed. Putting 1 point would again decrease, and removing the point would again increase the values in question.

Is it possible that the passive is bugged and that it functions upon removing the points from BLADEMASTER passive instead of putting points into it?

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