See How Many Shards You Have When Holding ALT Key

I would love a way to see how many shards I already have of a given affix when I’m looking at an item. This would quickly tell me if I needed to Shatter it.


Oh yes, please :slight_smile: so that I don’t have to put an item in the forge to see if I have already 200 of that affix shard.

Also the loot filter system could be even improved by being able to filter the affix shard by the amount we already have stored. Like, if I have less than 10 of some class-specific affic shard (+1 glacier for example) then emphasize the item with a tier 3 of that affix by a certain color.

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While it would be quite nice I doubt we will ever see that added and we can quite quickly see the number by opening the materials tab through the inventory.

You can also easily see the number by placing an item in the Forge, but my suggestion would eliminate those extra steps. And since crafting is a huge part of the game (and it is done quite often) it would be a quality of life improvement for everyone.

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