Search in Inventory

Can we have this?!

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would be nice :slight_smile:

Especially for the stash.

Even D4 has this :popcorn:

We have search in stash.

It would be nice if it were implemented a little better. When I search for “lightning resist” I often get lightning related skills as well.

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It would be nice if filter rules/colors also applied to inventory/stash (making hidden items faded), but I know Mike has said before that this is not an easy thing to do.
There is a plan to improve both the filters and the stash search, though no ETA or details on it yet.

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I was actually going to post a request to somehow show my filter rules in inventory as a suggestion but it looks like EHG has already taken it under consideration. My workaround is to dump I stuff need to sort on the ground at the stash.

Even how PoE does it with their search functionality…you can use regex to search for anything and everything you want, that would be boss if LE could implement that. A future QoL I am sure they are working on.

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Haha, if only I could actually remember regex. At least GPT will write it for me now.

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