I started an offline ‘legacy’ SCF character during the imperial event. Now I’ve started another offline ‘legacy’ SCF character and my understanding is that the EVERYTHING is tied to that character. I was organising my stash and I noticed at the very top a ‘legacy’ tab.
So I clicked it, and a drop down allowed me to click the other ‘legacy’ stash that belongs to my other SCF character. It says it’s a remove only stash, but it’s not… Both of these characters were created in legacy only, so there should be no remove only tabs like what happens after a cycle.
I’m able to transfer items back and forth and even equip them on the character that didn’t find that item. Which completely defeats the purpose of SCF.
Gold, shards and progress is still tied to that character though. So I’m assuming it’s just the stash that’s bugged? Or is my understanding of SCF wrong? I don’t want any access at all to my other characters. I’ll just pretend that stash is not there for now…