Sample Shadow Cascade/Sync Strike Loot Filter

I imagine there are much fancier filters, or more comprehensive, but just offering as an example of what I’ve made for myself while doing monos in the 70-80 range. Patch 0.8.2I.

Focuses on endgame bases for Crit Shadow Cascade/Sync Strike with affixes I want on specific bases (red), or in general items with affixes I want to shatter regardless of base (~orange/purple). Endgame bases with no special affixes drop as ~gray, in case I want to craft the base from scratch (need more crit gloves to craft!).

Should be a decent shell for other builds but you’ll want to adjust which bases/affixes are filtered per row, as I’m only focusing on this build with this filter. I’m sure I’ll change it a zillion times between now and whenever but feedback is always welcome.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> Filter - Rogue v1.0 1 0 0.8.2i 1 HIDE ONE_HANDED_AXE ONE_HANDED_MACES ONE_HANDED_SCEPTRE TWO_HANDED_AXE TWO_HANDED_MACE TWO_HANDED_POLEARM TWO_HANDED_STAFF TWO_HANDED_SWORD BOW CATALYST SHIELD QUIVER 0 true false 0 0 false Low Base Non-rogue Weapons/Off-hand HIDE RING 3 7 2 9 1 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE AMULET 5 3 0 4 6 1 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE GLOVES 0 1 2 4 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE BOOTS 0 1 2 3 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE BELT 0 1 6 2 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE BODY_ARMOR 43 44 45 47 46 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE HELMET 42 43 44 46 49 0 true false 0 0 false HIDE Primalist Mage Sentinel Acolyte 0 true false 0 0 false SHOW 20 MAX_LVL_BELOW_CHARACTER_LEVEL 0 true true 1 60 false All ILVL 20 Below Char (1-60) SHOW ONE_HANDED_SWORD ONE_HANDED_DAGGER HELMET BODY_ARMOR BELT BOOTS GLOVES AMULET RING RELIC WAND CATALYST TWO_HANDED_STAFF ONE_HANDED_MACES ONE_HANDED_AXE ONE_HANDED_SCEPTRE TWO_HANDED_AXE TWO_HANDED_MACE TWO_HANDED_POLEARM TWO_HANDED_SWORD BOW SHIELD QUIVER 0 HIGHEST_USABLE_LEVEL 0 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT RELIC 52 55 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Accessory - RElic HIGHLIGHT RING 4 0 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Accessory - Ring HIGHLIGHT AMULET 7 2 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Accessory - Amulet HIGHLIGHT BOOTS 8 4 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Equipment - Boots HIGHLIGHT GLOVES 6 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Equipment - Gloves HIGHLIGHT BELT 4 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Equipment - Belt HIGHLIGHT HELMET 50 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Equipment - Helm HIGHLIGHT BODY_ARMOR 48 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Equipment - Body HIGHLIGHT ONE_HANDED_DAGGER 10 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Weapon - Dagger HIGHLIGHT ONE_HANDED_SWORD 10 9 6 1 true false 0 0 false Endgame Weapon - Sword HIGHLIGHT 503 62 63 89 30 33 6 5 25 52 36 80 46 45 8 59 43 51 97 427 28 27 437 439 487 515 609 438 436 486 514 105 430 107 117 115 116 114 120 124 134 319 446 448 445 447 456 531 455 458 460 474 478 ANY 0 2 ANY 1 false 4 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT 503 63 89 30 33 6 5 25 52 36 80 46 45 8 59 43 99 97 427 28 27 437 439 446 448 459 461 487 515 526 532 609 105 430 107 114 115 116 117 134 135 319 436 438 445 447 456 458 460 464 486 514 525 531 MORE_OR_EQUAL 4 1 ANY 4 true 11 false false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT 63 30 439 459 461 515 62 6 5 134 445 456 447 446 448 609 438 514 89 503 MORE 4 1 ANY 5 true 10 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT IDOL_1x1_ETERRA IDOL_1x1_LAGON IDOL_2x1 IDOL_1x2 IDOL_3x1 IDOL_1x3 IDOL_4x1 IDOL_1x4 IDOL_2x2 6 456 439 515 609 438 514 63 89 459 461 105 107 ANY 0 2 ANY 1 false 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT RING 4 0 503 63 89 6 5 25 52 36 80 7 10 46 45 ANY 3 2 MORE_OR_EQUAL 5 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT AMULET 7 2 62 6 5 ANY 0 2 MORE_OR_EQUAL 5 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT BELT 4 63 30 25 52 36 ANY 0 2 MORE 5 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT GLOVES 6 97 5 503 25 52 36 80 46 10 19 7 ANY 0 2 ANY 1 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT BODY_ARMOR 48 439 515 609 ANY 0 1 ANY 1 false 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT HELMET 50 439 515 609 52 36 ANY 0 2 MORE_OR_EQUAL 5 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT ONE_HANDED_SWORD 10 9 6 63 89 30 6 5 ANY 0 2 MORE_OR_EQUAL 5 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIGHLIGHT ONE_HANDED_DAGGER 10 63 89 30 6 5 ANY 0 2 MORE_OR_EQUAL 5 true 7 true false 0 0 false HIDE NORMAL 0 false false 0 0 false SHOW UNIQUE SET EXALTED 0 true false 0 0 false
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Weird, something didn’t transfer correctly, as I wasn’t able to import the above. I’ve re-exported my loot filter into a pastebin which can be found here:

Not sure what happened, sorry for any confusion.

As a note, I should give credit to Heavy’s filter, as I started with that and eventually created my own using patterns I found in his filter.

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Hey there,

Glad my filter could serve as a starting point for you.

I would suggest removing all the xml file content from OP just for readability (if you are able to edit).

You should also be able to upload the xml file directly to the forum.

I am currently not on my computer but I will gladly check out your filter in detail tomorrow and see what you made my filter into.

Yeah, I’d love to edit out the messy XML but it doesn’t seem like I can edit the OP as I can in replies. If any mods could help I’d love to clean it up.

Your filter was very inspiring, I’m not sure I would’ve ventured into it without a reference - thanks for posting!

Oh yeah I just realized how new you are to the forum

Welcome to the LE Community :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the forum has some restrictions in place regarding editing your own threads and posts, based on your “trust level”.

You might need to be more active here until you gain the ability to more freely edit your stuff.

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