Sacrifice +chain nodes bugged

The Nodes Catalyst of Horror and Sanguine Liberation are both bugged in the same way.

When allocating Catalyst of Horror sacrifice should sacrifice the main minion and then chain to 2 others, instead it only sacrifices 2 minions.
Then after putting 1/5 points into Sanguine Liberation it suddenly only sacrifices 1 minion instead of sacrificing +1 minion.
With 2/5 points in Sanguine Liberation it sacrifices 2 minions.
With 3/5 points in Sanguine Liberation it sacrifices 3 minions.
With 4/5 points in Sanguine Liberation it sacrifices 4 minions.
With 5/5 points in Sanguine Liberation it sacrifices 5 minions.

In conculsion I believe there is likely some value in the code that determines how many minions are sacrificed and these two nodes, instead of adding onto that value, set that value to the number of chains that should happen.

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Yep, Iā€™m having the same issue, these nodes are broken af.

I finally got my Necro to 50 to try a build and the build is dead on arrival >_<

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Broken perk :confused:

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