Russian localization fix

Greetings! First of all, I am not a professional linguist, just a fan of the game, but for me, like many other players in the community, I find the translation into Russian of affixes, implicits of items and parts of mechanics is very strange(I have collected some of the errors I found in a separate Excel file in the attachment). With the support of the rest of the community members, I just want to offer a translation option that is correctly adapted to our language using the examples below(It goes without saying that all text related to these designations is subject to such editing). Of course, you can coordinate such changes with your current partners in Russian localization and of course I will not go into the details of the Russian language and the adaptation of the text, they will know better.

For example, consider a few items from the game:

1)Unique item - Vial of Volatile Ice
Current translation
Vial of Volatile Ice = флакон эфемерного льда
OFF-HAND CATALYST =вспомогательный усилитель
UNIQUE GLASS CATALYST = (уникальный) стеклянный усилитель

  • 6 Intelligence = +6 Интеллект
    100% of Acid Flask Base Damage converted to Cold = 100% из базового урона “Флакона с кислотой”, преобразованного в урон холодом
    Poison Chance from all sources is converted to Frostbite on Cold Hit = Шанс отравления от любых источников переходит в шанс обморожения от “Флакона с кислотой”
    +83% Chance to apply Frostbite on Cold Hit = +83% Шанс применить хворь “Обморожение” при Холод Удар
    23% Increased area for Cold Area Skills = 23% увеличенная область для Холод Навыки области
    20% increased Cold Damage = 20% повышено Холод Наносить ущерб
    +46% Freeze Rate Multiplier = +46% Множитель скорости замораживания
    Cannot be Traded = Этим предметом нельзя торговать

Must be translated as:
Vial of Volatile Ice = Флакон Эфемерного Льда
UNIQUE GLASS CATALYST = Уникальный стеклянный катализатор

  • 6 Intelligence = +6 Интеллекта
    100% of Acid Flask Base Damage converted to Cold = 100% Базового урона “Флакона с кислотой” преобразуется в урон холодом
    Poison Chance from all sources is converted to Frostbite on Cold Hit = Шанс отравления от любых источников преобразуется в шанс обморожения при ударе холодом
    +83% Chance to apply Frostbite on Cold Hit = +83% Шанс обморожения при ударе холодом
    23% Increased area for Cold Area Skills = 23% Повышение области действия для навыков холода с действием по области
    20% increased Cold Damage = 20% Повышение урона холодом
    +46% Freeze Rate Multiplier = +46% Множителя скорости заморозки
    Cannot be Traded = Этим предметом нельзя торговать
    Current translation
    OCCULTIST’S SHATTERING BLADED STAFF OF BRUTALITY AND SLEET =оккультный дробящий посох жестокости и гололедицы
    TWO-HANDED STAFF = двуручный посох
    BASE ATTACK RATE 0.98 - Average = базовая частота атаки: 0.98 - Средне
    +94 Melee Damage = +94 Ближний бой Наносить ущерб
    +87 Spell Damage = +87 Чары Наносить ущерб
    +1 to Melee Attacks = +1 - Атаки ближнего боя
    21 Forging Potentional = Потенциал ковки: 21
    173% increased Necrotic Damage = 173% повышено Некротическое повреждение
    +79 Melee Cold Damage = +79 Холодный урон в ближнем бою
    +19 Minion Melee Damage = +19 Спутник Ближний бой Наносить ущерб
    +19 Minion Spell Damage = +19 Спутник Чары Наносить ущерб
    +86% Chance to Chill on Hit = +86% шанс охлаждения при ударе
    Requires: Level 74 =Требуется: Уровень 74
    Cannot be Traded = Этим предметом нельзя торговать

Must be translated as:
OCCULTIST’S SHATTERING BLADED STAFF OF BRUTALITY AND SLEET = Оккультный разбитый клинковый посох жестокости и гололёда
TWO-HANDED STAFF = Двуручный посох
BASE ATTACK RATE 0.98 - Average = Скорость атаки 0.98 - Средняя
+94 Melee Damage = +94 Урон ближнего боя
+87 Spell Damage = +87 Урон чар
+1 to Melee Attacks = +1 к навыкам ближнего боя
21 Forging Potentional = Потенциал ковки: 21
173% increased Necrotic Damage = 173% Повышение некротического урона
+79 Melee Cold Damage = +79 Урона холодом ближнего боя
+19 Minion Melee Damage = +19 Урон ближнего боя приспешника(I will allow myself here a small remark, the concept of companion and minion in Russian is confused in meaning, the word companion is equivalent to the word minion, which confuses players in the work of game mechanics, so the word companion should be translated as “спутник”, and the word minion as “приспешник”)
+19 Minion Spell Damage = +19 Урон чар приспешника
+86% Chance to Chill on Hit = +86% Шанс охлаждения при ударе
Requires: Level 74 =Требуется: Уровень 74
Cannot be Traded = Этим предметом нельзя торговать

    Current translation
    WITCH’S EVISCERATING BRASS AMULET OF FRAILTY AND HOPE = ведьминский опустошающий латунный амулет бренности и надежды
    AMULET = амулет
    12% increased Cast Speed = повышено Сбросить скорость
    36 Forging Potential = Потенциал ковки: 36
    +44% Critical Strike Multiplier =+44% Множитель критического удара
    33% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance = 33% повышено Шанс критического удара чарами
    +24% Chance to apply Frailty on Hit =+24% Шанс наложить хворь “Слабость” при ударе
    +15% Void Resistance =+15% Сопротивление пустоте
    Requires: Level 47 =Требуется: Уровень 47
    Cannot be Traded = Этим предметом нельхя торговать

Must be translated as:
WITCH’S EVISCERATING BRASS AMULET OF FRAILTY AND HOPE = Ведьмин потрошащий латунный амулет слабости и надежды
AMULET = Амулет
12% increased Cast Speed = 12% повышения скорости произнесения чар
36 Forging Potential = Потенциал ковки: 36
+44% Critical Strike Multiplier =+44% Множителя критического удара
33% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance = 33% повышение шанса критического удара для чар
+24% Chance to apply Frailty on Hit = +24% Шанс наложить “Слабость” при ударе
+15% Void Resistance =+15% Сопротивление пустоте
Requires: Level 47 =Требуется: Уровень 47
Cannot be Traded = Этим предметом нельзя торговать

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the Russian fonts in the game, which due to the peculiarities of the language are either too shrunken and become poorly readable or on the contrary are enlarged so that they are displayed, conditionally, on the whole screen.

Thank you for your attention and good luck! (11.3 KB)

P.S. Another annoying translation problem lies in the word “cooldown” for all skills in the game.
current translation is “остывать”
correct translation is “перезарядка”


Good job.


It would be great to be corrected

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Хоть кто то старается помочь с локализацией


We hope that the developers will fix the current state of localization in the near future

Примените правки хоть какие.

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Devs already said that they’re going to be working on localizations next: Post Launch Mid-Week Update

Спасибо тебе человек что помогаешь разработчикам с переводом

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I agree that the Russian localization is lame on both feet. Crooked descriptions in some places, not following the correct word endings, and the main thing for me is the stock font. If you compare the English and Russian fonts in the game, you can see that the English one was worked on. The Russian one hasn’t.

As I think, part of the problem with the names is that the lines in the names of items and the description of the affixes themselves are fixed by “formulas”.
For example, the description of an affix is in the sequence of words A B C D. And in Russian it would be correct and euphonious to rearrange them sometimes, for example as A B D C or A D C B.

But I’m still glad that there is Russian language, because some of my friends don’t know English and for them it was a problem to start playing this beautiful game.


Oui, si les autres langues sont normales, le russe est clairement en panne. C’est pas bon.

+1 for the better russian translation. The russian translation of items / skills / UI text in game needs a thorough revision.

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Need fix incorrect localisation

Тему поддержу, хоть и играю на английском.

Likewise, I’m not a pro when it comes to translating/localizing, but what we currently see in most locales, ru being just one of the many, is hurting my eyes. It’s such a goddamn shame that due to whatever reason EHG decided not to offload translation to the community like what Crate did with their Grim Dawn, because what we’re having right now is a mangled gibberish of a locale VERY evidently thrown together by a random chatGPT-like AI (just look at those Monolith objectives… yuck). The community would’ve done a much better job, imo, but it’s up to the team to decide on their course of actions in that regard…

Hoping for the locale to improve over time, as well as the ongoing backend issues to be resolved. Other than that, the game is beyond awesome.

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Лондон ис зэ кэпитал оф Грейт Британ! :saluting_face:

The death screen doesn’t show who killed you, with what skill and type of damage

Hype! We need correct tranlate in favorite game!

I support. Hopefully then localization will improve.

This fix is a must IMHO!

Hello, do you need help with Russian translation? I have time, and want to improve the game. Please contact me in discord, nickname: banzaay