Runic Invocation Question

Hi all,

I’m at my wits end here, I’m currently playing a Runemaster and I don’t know if I’ve completely missed something but when casting different elemental skills for different runes my runes aren’t changing/overwriting for my Runic Invocation.

Essentially, my runes don’t appear to be overwriting themselves, they only seem to be removed by casting Runic Invocation so if I accidentally press the wrong combination, I have to spend them as opposed to just overwriting them with another combo.

I’m looking in the skills tree to see if I’ve overlooked something like a passive but I’m stumped now, can anyone advise?

Thanks in advance.

I think you have the Immutable Order node in Runic Invocation skill tree, this locks your runes with skills on your skill bar, so no matter which skill you use, always 3 runes corresponding with 3 first skills on your skill bar will appear.

I have double checked and I don’t have that passive :frowning:

Just to confirm this is a screenshot of my Runic Invocation tree.

Runemaster Tree

Additional Screenshot showing a clear casting of Firebolt and still 3 (Gon) lightning runes and no (Rah) Fire rune.

In-Game screenshot

A unique Idol (Unvar’s Exile) also ‘block’ your current sequence of runes when you reach 3 runes. Did you have that ?

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Thank you so much, you are amazing!!!

What a dumbass I am, I did have that equipped.

Thanks again, really appreciate the advice. Woo - Now I can move on.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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