Runemaster Rune Bolt Interaction

Currently planning a build and seeing if any uniques mesh well with the new abilities. Anyone know how the Unique “Abacus Rod” interacts with Runebolts masteries? If you take the 2 masteries that convert the ability to only lightning will the Abacus Rod override that or does the mastery take precedence?

You probably already know the answer to this, but in case someone else comes looking:

The skill tree overrides (i.e. applies sequentially and second). Or a more detailed explanation:

  • Cast cold spell
  • Cast runebolt.
  • Abacus forces it to choose cold, however assume skill tree converts cold->lightning. A lightning runebolt is thus cast.

For anybody who came looking for answers as I did, I did some testing my self and the results are much more confusing than first appearance. For example, the Abacus completely overrides, Echomancy and Amplified Cascade so rather than cast Runebolt in the order of your last Runic Invocation, or become Tri-Elemental after 3 runebolts, the Abacus’s rule overrides it and it just keep spamming out the same Runebolts as your last single element tag spell. I’m guessing this is to not allow constant spamming of Nueromancy and to instead make it extremely difficult to proc reliably.

Either way it’s highly unfortunate because it means it just can’t even compare to Mad Alchemists Ladle when it comes to Tri Elemental Runebolt spamming. All that massive amount of flat damage added from the abacus was highly alluring but in the end, without it being able to reliably and constantly proc/refresh nueromancy it was just far less damage and way way slower.

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I did not already know this hence me asking the question.

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