Ruins of Welryn acts

The ruins of Welryn in ruined era is a big jump in difficulty. The mob density is much higher than anything up to that point in the acts. And the introduction of void prophets makes it hard to even back up and get some space, since then the prophets start critting you from a screen over. And the roaming void horrors just adds to the chaos by throwing stuff at you from offscreen on top of it. It feels rough, when every zone up to that point you can just kill as you run past mobs.

I have a feeling this all depends on your build/class and your gearing as you reach different sections.

I recall having the same issue when getting to the Ice theme sections on a specific char (iirc a Spellblade) and getting my arse handed to me by the lightning mobs and birds. Until then it was easy sailing. Similar issues with another build that sailed past everything except the poison mobs in the Chapter 9.

Even mod density changes simply highlight an issue with things like health regen/leech and other recovery aspects of your build. Maybe even highlights if a build is too single target focussed and needs some sort of mob clearing skill.

It usually just means re-evaluating parts of your build/gearing and adjusting any flaws

That said, the devs have said they are going to do a balance pass before 1.0 launches which should smooth out any difficulty jumps - but because of how the game changes mob types/damage/density, its very likely that issues like this could still happen.

and to be honest, I like that you come around a corner and go “holy hell what is that almost one shotting me” - keeps the blood flowing.

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