The Rogue passive “Apostacy” (adds dodge chance as twice as much glancing blow chance) either causes an incorrect total dodge rating on character sheet, or incorrectly achieves its effect of removing all dodge chance. It’s unclear whether this is semantics or a coding problem.
Figure 1 - As expected, under 100 dodge, you get +5% base crit from Last Laugh
*(I DO have 50% increased crit chance from the passive tree, hence 10% base crit is shown as 15% total)
Figure 2 - As expected, over 100 dodge, you lose the +5% base crit from Last Laugh
Figure 3 - The apostacy node reads “dodge chance is ADDED as (not converted to) twice as much glancing blow chance, you cannot dodge.” However, your character sheet DOES report dodge rating as 0 after taking this node.
Figure 4 - Unexpected result: after taking Apostacy, character sheet shows 0 dodge rating, but you do NOT get +5% base crit from Last Laugh.
Figure 5 - Semi-expected result: after removing a point of dex to go back to (what would be) 99 dodge rating, character sheet still shows 0 dodge rating, but we do (once again) get +5% base crit from Last Laugh.
Based on these observations, Apostacy should either cause your character sheet to report your total dodge rating, but still show dodge chance as 0%, OR Apostacy should actually remove all dodge rating when removing all dodge chance.
Right now the character sheet is incorrectly reporting dodge rating when taking this node.
An update: in the scenario where your dodge rating exceeds 100 but you cannot dodge due to an effect such as Apostacy, Last Laugh will provide its added melee critical strike chance. This change will be in 0.8.5.
That sounds like a great solution, but I (a non-game-dev who knows nothing, my opinion is mostly meaningless) think it would maybe make more sense to focus on Apostacy for the sake of future you - in the event that you ever added any more skills or items to the game that depend on the amount of dodge rating or dodge chance you have, you’d encounter the same issue again if you don’t hard code in whatever fix you’re adding to Last Laugh.
I get why it’s a weird issue- you still need to keep the dodge rating values around for purposes of calculating the appropriate glancing blow chance. I just think “falsely” reporting dodge rating as 0 when the game is clearly still keeping track is not an ideal solution.
But I also have no idea how Apostacy is achieving its effect so I am probably spouting nonsense. Depending on how it’s doing it, I think the character sheet should either still show your actual dodge rating, but display the dodge chance as 0% - and then your dodge chance just gets a hover text that says something like “The Bladedancer passive [Apostacy] is converting your dodge chance to glancing blows”
OR if it’s actually “getting rid of” your dodge rating, then the tooltip for Apostacy could just say something more like:
All dodge chance is converted to glancing blow chance at twice the original value.
You can no longer dodge, and your dodge rating is 0.
Sorry for the ramble. I don’t mean any disrespect here- just word vomiting since I have thought about this a lot for some reason