Rogue Defenses

It sure would be nice to have some better defensive options as a rogue other than getting fist pounded in the face all the time … Dodge and Glancing blows suck in comparison to other defenses. I’ve pretty much have taken every defensive node I can and still get fisted.

Or is my character bugged or something, because the way it is right now anything sneezes my way and I am needing to pop or spam potions.

Rogue can be a bit trickier to build than other masteries, especially as a beginner.

But a combination of Dodge, Glancing Blows and Endurance with a decent enough HP pool will carry you very very far.

Rogue mobility is unmatched depending on your exact setup, but even with only Shift your mobility is second to none. This alone makes you way tankier already, because you can always use Shift to get out of trouble.

Is rogue as tanky as some BM or Paladin? No, but that is ok.

How do you avoid the bullshit dropping on top of your head out of nowwhere instantly that seems to have a 100% hit chance??

Since I played LE from the very beginning, I never ever, ever had “bullshit dropping on top of your head out of nowwhere instantly

It is really hard to believe that you have this experience, because most of the mechancis that are this deadly are very well and clear telegraphed or have animation cues on enemies.

Can you name some concrete examples?

The stuff in empowered monoliths that drop out of the sky, you can get ganked right in the beggining of a monolith from the crap.

Rogue can be very, very tanky. COnverting dodge chance to Glancing Blow and seeking to cap your glance chance, combined with a good Endurance Threshold and Endurance%, and then stacking armor using Shurikens for the 30% Armor per active shuriken shield, you can be next to unkillable. It’s a little more involved, but the tools are certainly there. Also, travel skills and high movement speed are the rogue’s bread and butter. Not getting hit means you don’t take damage.

Not sure if you are talking about Spires, Light Mages or Ember Mages.

Light and Ember Mages can be very oppressing I agree, but they got a lot better with 1.0.
And they usually only come in packs of 2-4, not more. If you don’t deal with them and kite them they can stack for sure, but that would be your fault.

Spries however I never found oppressive in any way.

Anyway all of these things, that I think you are talking of are not “out of nowhere”.
They are all clearly telegraphed.