Rive Void tag/conversion bug or unintended?

With the update Rive seems to be able to get the void tag via one of its sub skills (as it has void in the skills screen as can be seen in the image). However, it can’t get the tag from temporal warrior which seems to be the main void themed node. Is it supposed to get the tag but bugged or is this a mistake on the skills screen due to something removed last minute?

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It’s intentional that it doesn’t have a void tag.

Ah ok thanks so the void icon for Rive in the skills screen is wrong then.

Ngl this kinda sucks, weapon dmg rework was so skills can do full dmg as per their theme but many skills don’t even get tags Rive, Vengeance, Multistrike, etc.


Hi Kissing - I just made a similar post about Skills that don’t have conversion tags, which might want conversion tags. Void Rive was one of them.

Can you share the internal justification for having no Void Tag on the Node that Golden mentioned in the original post here? That would have felt so natural to have the tag there… But if it’s intentional, then there’s probably a reason for it.

Probably to open up Phys Rive VK(which seems good rn) but sadly is the only optimal way to play Rive now. Ideally (IMO) there would be a branch there with one node giving void conversion and a regular path still allowing echo fun with phys.

On a side note Phys Rive pretty stronk rn with Flame drinker shenanigens, I swapped to something like this Void Knight, Level 100 (LE Beta 0.9.0g) - Last Epoch Build Planner which feels pretty good but saw a way more optimized version on Youtube that was more focused on ignite consumption and hit wayy better dmg.

Also highly dependant on exalteds for crit, Sentinel is so rough for crit chance…
Edit: actually tho Dragonslayer fixes the crit problems without resorting to exalteds and gets some aoe and more hp in exchange for a lot less speed. But with more optimal gearing Dragonslayer’s resist would be great for Suloron’s so…

Hey Perry,

I also argued for Rive to get a void tag in the tree when taking the void focused node as well internally haha. From what I recall, we are looking in the future to possibility make a unique or item that gives it the tag. We liked the theme but didn’t think it needed to be offered the skill tree.

In most cases we try to give conversion tags to nodes that case add or convert base damage of skills. There are some outliers in skill trees that we felt were “transformative” nodes that should offer a tag as well.

I really appreciate the reply! The lack of conversion, and only having 50% or 60% of my damage be Void when I’m really trying to scale Void Damage… I’m just going to keep advocating for options to have all damage “pointing in the same direction”.


putting points into Weapon Specialist will make void dmg scale with Rive based off the amount of Vitality points you have with an axe.

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