Lack of Conversion Tags, Multiple Skills

Below is a list of various skills that should probably have the option to gain a “Tag” for conversion, but they currently do not have that option.

While gathering this list, I looked at Skills that gain DOT Components, but not the DOT tag (relevant for the new Rotmind unique catalyst). Things like Glacier and Earthquake come to mind, but that’s beyond the scope of this post.

Melee / Throwing Skills:

  1. Rive
    Rive doesn’t convert to Fire or Void despite offering flat fire and flat void scaling on the Weapon Specialist node. Especially the “10% More Void Damage, Double Echo Chance”, this node is virtually exclusive to Void Knight, should have a Void Tag.

  2. Vengeance
    Vengeance has options for fire shred, but can not convert at all.

  3. Shield Rush
    Shield Rush has a node that adds base void damage which is not really even a thing any more, and seems like it should definitely be void conversion.

  4. Smelter’s Wrath
    Smelter’s Wrath is split fire/phys by default and has no way to convert solely to either element.

  5. Forge Strike
    Forge Strike has fire related nodes and a fire subskill, but is only base physical.

  6. Hammer Throw
    Hammer Throw has lightning damage idols but no conversion.

  7. Cinder Strike
    Cinder Strike’s tree is entirely fire related, but its base damage is split fire/phys.

Spell Skills:

  1. Rebuke
    Rebuke has some void nodes, but no void convert.

  2. Sacrifice
    Sacrifice has fire nodes and gains the fire tag, but does not convert.

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Awesome list.

I’m currently playing a Flame Reave build with the split damage node and when I look at the other available options, it makes me think I should just be focusing on a single damage type (to avoid the reduced scaling with elemental damage affixes, as opposed to fire-specific).

It would be nice if, instead of skills such as Cinder Strike / Smelter’s Wrath being completely converted, there was more support for split damage builds (which look sexier).

Rive, Vengeance, Shield Rush, Forge Strike, Hammer Throw, and Rebuke don’t really have any reason to gain new tags. All the skill nodes you talk about are just adding to the base, they are not converting the base, therefore they do not convert the skill. I would not expect added flat Fire damage to make a skill gain the Fire tag any more than I would having flat Fire damage on my weapon to do that. Hammer Throw’s idols giving it the Lightning tag would be particularly silly.

If Sacrifice is gaining the fire tag from Altar of Flames or Burning Offering, that sounds more to me like a bug or oversight.

This comment really misses the point. Scaling 2 damage types feels bad, and ideally EHG can give players the option for scaling all damage in one vector, instead of split damage types.

If you’re personally okay with split damage types, that’s fine – but that’s not a good argument.

Yeah agreed, not to mention this was the whole point of the weapon physical damage->adaptive damage change.

Well then, that’s exactly what Forge Strike’s Temper node does, Flat 10 fire to forge strike and it gets the fire tag! (Not even mentioned on the skill anywhere, this is from ingame testing).

Shuriken’s idols and even the gear affixes give it the lightning tag… are those particularly silly?

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Also to Fan the Flames a little more (mainly because the location of Fan the flames in Forge strike tree does not make sense, shouldn’t the fire pen node be somewhat along the path of the node that gives fire tag?? Why would phys forge strike want global fire pen???)

Which pre-0.9 would have added the relevant tag. Like how giving Shuriken base lightning bamage would add the lightning tag (same foe Swipe I think).

Yeah it did (see Dr3ad old lightning swipe vids).

Is it a bunch of bugs then if the skills don’t get the equivalent tags? Or is this a design choice added in 0.9?

How can I have “missed the point” about scaling two damage types feeling bad when the post I replied to said nothing about scaling two damage types feeling bad?

I wouldn’t expect that either.


And IMO that’s weird.

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Is intentional for Rive atleast.

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